Chapter 31

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Fuck! What was I thinking? I regret my actions

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Fuck! What was I thinking? I regret my actions. Was I so desperate to fuck anything with a cunt. This was a mistake, I shouldn't have done this. Fuck! But she is so hot and her cunt even though it's loose, grips my cock like her hole is only made for me. No wonder that twat Sameer was only with her because he wanted to fuck her because I also agree, she is a good fuck. I distance myself, observing her asleep. How the fuck can someone sleep when they are having a fuck session. She is so pathetic. Such a looser. I contemplate cleaning up in the bathroom but find my gaze drawn back to her naked body. Sitting on the bed again, I examine her closely, noticing an array of scars spanning from her forehead down to her legs, revealing a history of wounds, both small and large.

Furrowing my brows, I examine her body closely, my fingers delicately tracing the scars that adorn her skin. With an intense gaze, I explore the markings on her face, chest, belly, waist, inner thighs, intimate areas, and feet. I'm intrigued by the stories behind each scar, particularly those in more personal regions, and wonder about the pain they might signify. A gulp catches in my throat as I contemplate the origin of these marks. In an instant, I rise from the bed, clenching my jaw, and head to the bathroom without offering another lingering glance.

I hastily take a brief shower in an attempt to clear my mind, but thoughts of the girl on my bed persist. The scars on her body, despite my efforts to dismiss them, linger in my thoughts. I try to convince myself that I shouldn't care, but for some reason, those scars have etched themselves into my mind. Frustration builds as her image, naked and enticing, replays in my thoughts. Despite my initial detachment, her physical attributes, her breasts so perfect and perky, and her aroused cunt grip my mind, causing my erection to return, much to my dismay. I find myself questioning why she continues to occupy my thoughts, especially considering the detached and emotionless nature of our encounter. The confusion and dissatisfaction intensify as I grapple with these unsettling feelings. Determined to avoid any potential regrettable actions, I leave the bathroom, hoping to distance myself from the unexpected turmoil within me.

I exit the bathroom, and upon seeing her lying there, confusion briefly washes over me. I wonder if she might be unconscious. Wrapped in a towel, I approach my bed to get a closer look. She remains motionless, with my cum still on her stomach. Tentatively, I move closer, discarding my towel and cleaning her. Shaking her gently, I try to rouse her, but she doesn't respond. Concern sets in. I reach for a jug of water, dribbling a bit on her, and she stirs. Relief washes over me; she's not unconscious after all. Leaving her on the bed, I dress in sweats and lie down beside her. Despite the logical urge to wake her and usher her out, I find myself hesitating. Pondering this, I gaze at her naked form, contemplating the urge to push her away. Suppressing such thoughts, I turn away, choosing instead to sleep off the exhaustion, covering her with a blanket.

I was startled awake in the middle of the night by the sound of someone falling with a thud. As I peered over, I noticed Vaani lying on the floor, seemingly having tumbled from the bed. Oddly enough, she appeared to be still asleep despite the fall. I shrugged off the situation, deciding to leave her there, and returned to my slumber. At 5 in the morning, as I prepared for the gym, I heard the unmistakable sound of teeth chattering. Glancing down, I found Vaani on the floor, shivering. I hesitated for a moment, considering whether to help her up or not. Eventually, I sighed and chose to disregard the situation, continuing with my preparations for the gym without much concern for her well-being.

Before leaving the room, I cast one final glance in her direction. With gritted teeth, I forcefully slammed the door shut, my anger evident. Venting my frustration, I stormed into the gym, seeking an outlet for the intense emotions swirling within me. Zeroing in on the boxing ring, I unleashed a barrage of furious punches on the bag, attempting to purge my mind of memories from the previous day's encounter. Each strike carried the weight of my pent-up emotions, and I continued relentlessly until every ounce of energy was depleted. Collapsing onto the gym mat, I regulated my breathing with groans and grunts, attempting to regain composure. Running my hand through my hair, the lingering anger persisted in an elusive frustration that eluded clear identification.

Upon returning to my room, I found it impeccably neat, but she was nowhere in sight. Without giving her much thought, I proceeded to prepare for the day. As I headed towards the front courtyard's temple, a beautiful, unfamiliar voice echoed through the air, reciting prayers. Confused, I checked the time and realized it was only 6:30 am. My mother usually began her prayers at 8, so who could be singing downstairs at this early hour? Hurrying downstairs, I discovered Vaani holding an Aarti thali, accompanied by my mother who was standing with a smile on her face. Approaching the temple area, I sought blessings from my mother, who then nudged me towards Vaani to perform the Aarti. As I took her hand, she flinched, her face turning pale, and her eyes exhibiting an unexpected coldness. Despite her condition, she began the Aarti, but her grip faltered. I held her hand firmly, annoyed by her apparent lack of focus. During the Aarti, I sensed her standing motionless, her hand unmoving. Annoyed, I glanced at her and noticed her swaying slightly, growing even paler. Shaking her gently, she looked at me with surprise. I shot her a glare, conveying my displeasure. We completed the Aarti, and I released her hand. She turned towards my father, touching his feet before offering him Prasad. The same routine followed with my mother, and then she moved towards Vi, planting a kiss on her forehead, pinching her cheeks, and feeding her prasad. Vi's smile brightened, and she reciprocated the affection. My parents headed inside the living room with smiles on their faces as the morning rituals unfolded.

Turning towards me, she approached with cautious, deliberate steps, extending the Aarti plate in my direction. Accepting the Aarti, I received the prasad from the plate. As she turned to leave the temple, I grabbed her arms, forcefully redirecting her towards me. Colliding against my chest, the Aarti plate slipped from her grasp. Examining her pale face, I furrowed my brows, noticing an unusual warmth emanating from her. Was she running a fever? Before I could check, she forcefully pushed me away and hastily retreated inside, leaving me bewildered.

Gathering the fallen Prasad and Aarti plates, I followed suit and entered the house. I sought blessings from Dad, receiving a reassuring pat on the back and a warm smile. Ruffling Vi's hair, I embraced her before settling at the dining table to discuss the business deal with Dad. Shortly after, Vaani joined us, standing by my side and diligently serving breakfast to me and other family members. Just as she began to leave, Maa's voice called her to a halt.

"Beta, where are you going? Come sit and have breakfast?" Maa said and I heard her sigh before answering her.

"No Maa, aap log khayie... main baad mein khaa lungi. Abhi bhook nahi hai mujhe" telling this she is about to go when a voice surprises us all and I see Maa stand up and adjust her pallu on her head.

"Kya ho raha hai yaha."


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