Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V
After the small duel between Yusei and I, we saw Leo on the tv. Which to our surprise, he was crying. Then he gained his confidence. I smiled and D/n hummed in my mind. I perked at that.

'What's up D/n?' I asked through our link.

"The kid has guts. But something tells me that his sister is apart of that prophecy that we are apart of." D/n replied. My eyes widened. Then I heard a roar. I turned around to see a crimson dragon looking at me. D/n was floating near me and narrowed their eyes. The dragon roaored again then disappeared. I was snapped out of it by Yusei.

"Y/n. You alright. You turned and spaced out." He said with a worried tone.

"Yeah. I'm alright. Must of miss heard something." I replied and looked at D/n. They soon took their leave and went to his soul room.

"You're going down!" Leo said suddenly. I turned my head back to the screen.

"It's my move." Leo said and drew a card. "Now I draw and activate Celfon's special ability."

When morphtronic Celfon is in defense mode, it randomly dials a number and allows you to look at the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number selected. Leo drew three cards and looked at them and smiled.

"I switch Celfon into attack mode." Leo said. His monsters had 100 ATK. Then his monster dialed again. Leo then smiled when his monster chose one. I was confused but continued to watched. Yusei sat next to me on the couch.

"I summon Morphtronic datatron in attack mode." He said. His monster had 1200 ATK. I then felt pain in my head. I groaned.

"Y/n? You doing alright?" Yisei asked. I looked up and saw D/n.

'Create a link to my Uncle. I need advice.' I said to D/n. They nodded and went. Yusei got up and knelt down on the floor in front of me. I felt a link and it came from the crowd. She felt pain as well. I took some deep breathes and waited.

"Sir. You can't be here." I perked up.

"I need to see my nephew." I heard my Uncle said. D/n appeared but stayed silent. Yusei got up and went to the guards. The pain started to get worse.

"Y/n! I got your link. Are you okay?" Jaden asked. I looked up and his eyes widened.

"When did this start to happen?" Jaden asked Yusei.

"About five minutes ago." Yusei replied.

"Y/n. This is what I want you to do. I want you to take deep breathes and focus on D/n's energy. Tell me what you feel." My uncle said.

"I feel...calm." I said. "I aslo feel patients, self relective and use difficulties to grow."

Uncle Jaden sat down and rubbed my back softly. He smiled. Yusei came back with some water and gave it to me. I took a breath and drank some of the water.

"Is that better?" Yusei asked. I nod. Jaden took out my pen and pad and gave it to me.

"Connections again?" He asked.

"Yeah. I feel connected to...people I do not know. I also feel connected to Yusei. I don't know what that is but I see this dragon then come back to reality." I explain. Jaden was confused, so was Yusei.

'Jaden. Another great evil is moving and I think that Goodwin has something to do with it.' D/n said through the link between Jaden and I. He hummed, thinking to himself.

"Welp. I got nothing." He said. I laughed at him and felt better. Yusei was confused and just waited patiently.

"I think Leo just lost." I said. We saw that Leo was defeated. With his life points going down to zero. Jaden, Yusei and I got up and walked out. We saw Leo walking with his sister and a friend.

"Hey. Try and cheer up Leo. It's not like everyone saw you lose." His sister said.

"Yeah. She's right. 15 million tops." His friend said.

"Thanks." Leo replied.

"It's not a loss if you learn something. Now you know more then you did before. Right Leo?" Yusei said. I nod and glanced at the girl. She had the same aura as the dragon I saw.

"Yeah. More about losing. I just can't wait to use that in my next match." Leo said.

"Excuse me." We heard a female voice. She looked at Yusei and I with a cold glare. I then felt the same aura as Yusei and Leo's sister. My eyes widened.

"What's her problem?" Leo asked.

"Uncle Jaden. She's a psychic duelist. Just like us." I said. My uncle looked at me and hummed.

"Luna, Dexter. I want you to meet my new friend!" Leo said.

"No way. Is that Jaden Yuki!" Their friend asked. Jaden smiled and gave the same two finger salute.

"You betcha!" He said. I sighed and face planted. Jaden noticed and laughed.

"And this is my nephew, Y/n." He said. Luna walked over to me but hesitated. I noticed and smiled.

"You must be Luna. It's good to meet you." I say with a smile.

"Your the one I felt before! Are you connected to the crimson dragon?" Luna asked. I was surprised but replied to her question.

"Yes I am. I don't know how though." My uncle smiled and smacked my back harshly. "Hey! That hurts you know!" I said which made my uncle give me an awkward smile with his hand scratching the back of his head. Yusei started to chuckle which made my face go slightly red. I then felt a pain in my back. I felt a power that came from the psychic duelist.

"Something tells me that a duel had just started." I said and Yusei nodded in agreement. The kids and my uncle went back to their seats and we went back into the duelist room. We sat down on the couch and watched the duel.

"You sure you are alright?" Yusei asked.

"Yeah. I guess so." I replied.

Yusei then started to groan in pain. I automatically got worried.

Yusei's P.O.V
The pain in my arm started to act up agin. I remember the same pain when I met the black rose.

"Yusei? Are you alright?" I looked at Y/n and saw a worried look on his face. I leaned back and close my eyes.

"Yeah. I'm alright. I've seen that dragon before." I said. Y/n looked at the screen and glared t the dragon.

"Yeah. I've dueled against it. It turned out to be a tie in the end." He explains.

"Congratulations. Most to come face to face with it never duel again. It has said that the Black rose dragons wrath can cause true destruction." Greiger said.

"Only in the hands of a psychic duelist." Y/n said. He turned to the screen and continued to watch. I don't know what it is but I also feel a connection to Y/n. Not with the mark but with something else. I glanced to the side and looked into his e/c eyes.

'I wonder what this feeling is.'

Crimson Guardian Yusei Fudo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now