Chapter 5

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F/f - Favorite food

Your P.O.V
I stirred and felt weight on me. I opened my eyes to see that I wasn't at the stadium.

"Hey kido. How are you feeling?" I sat up and saw my uncle on the couch on his phone. I yawned and saw Yusei's jacket on me. I looked around and saw he wasn't here. I grabbed it and put it on. It smelt like him and oil. It was heavy but it was comfortable.

"After you passed out yesterday, Yusei and Luna brought you here to rest. Yusei should be coming around soon." Jaden explained. I nod and laid down again. I pulled the blankets up and sighed in relief. Jaden chuckled and got up. We then heard a knowck at the door. I groaned and curled up more into the blankets and Yusei's jacket.

"Oi." My uncle said and placed his gands on his hips. "Y/n. You need to get up. You've been asleep all day and that is going to mess up your sleep schedule."

I ignored him and rolled over. I heard my uncle sigh and heard a deep chuckle.

"I'm going out to get some food. Do you want anything? I know what Y/n would want." Jaden asked.

"No thanks. I had something before." I heard Yusei reply.

"Alright. I won't be long. Behave yourselves. I swear. Y/n is just like me. Not wanting to do anything except sleep." Jaden said and then left. Yusei walked over to the bed and sat on it.

"You do realize that I need my jacket back right?" He said. I didn't respond but pretended to be asleep. "I know you are awake so why deny it?"

I stirred and hid under the covers. Yusei sighed and pulled the covers off of me. I shivered and tried to get the blankets back but Yusei wasn't helping.

"No. You need to get up. I also need my jacket back." Yusei said but I wasn't having it. I hugged and grabbed the blanket that was on the side and wrapped it around me.

"It's cold." I whined.

"That's why I want my jacket back. I placed it on you after I dueled her but I had to grab it for the duels." Yusei replied. I sighed and took the jacket off. Yusei grabbed it and put it on.

"Thanks. Now how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better but cold and sleepy." I replied.

"That's good. Luna said you did help her through the duel." Yusei said. I groaned and rubbed the tiredness from my eyes.

"You and I need to talk. You almost got your killed back there." D/n scowled with a angry expression.

'Yeah. I know but you and Haou were there to get me out.' I thought. D/n grumbled and stayed we they were.

"You were really out of it yesterday. And the duels for today are finished. Glad that you didn't duel today, otherwise we would have had a problem." Yusei said.

"Yeah. That's good atleast I can duel tomorrow. Still, I don't understand why that professor wanted to go to the spirit world. It's weird." I said. Yusei hummed but he allowed me to think for a moment. I sighed and grabbed a pillow.

"Y/n, maybe it's something to do with the signers." Yusei said rolling up his arm and removing his glove. I took a good look at it.

"Maybe. But that would mean Goodwin is trying to do something, gathering people into one place..." I trailed off. "That's it! Akiza, Luna and you and I are signers. Goodwin's gathered us together. But we are missing two people."

"I know Jack's a signer as well." Yusei said.

"Jack Atlas is a signer too. Man, with a guy like that we'll get nothing done if something happens." I said.

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