Chapter 4

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Yusei's P.O.V
I don't know what has gotten into me. Ever since Y/n appeared in my life, I haven't gotten the chance to think about anything because of him. I couldn't stay away from him. I felt like I like him more than just a friend. He was kind and amazing. Y/n was like a magnet to me. I couldn't pull away. We soon arrived at the break room and saw Luna on Tv.

"Luna's dueling?" Y/n asked.

"I'm guessing they found the right kid for the match huh?" Greiger asked. "You know by the end of the duel we had, I didn't think was half bad and I can't wait to see what his sister's got."

Y/n hummed and walked to the couch. I followed. He glanced at me and smiled.

"You look like a lost puppy when you follow me, did you know that?" He asked. I widened my eyes and looked away. My face felt warm. Y/n laughed and laid down on the couch. One of his arms covering his face. I shook my head and sat down near his head. I crossed my arms and watch Luna duel. I glanced at Y/n's hair and was tempted to play with it. Y/n then moved his head so he was more comfortable. His h/l hair landed in my lap. He seemed fo be resting for the time being. I then started to play with Y/n's hair, twining it between my fingers. I took my coves off and placed them beside me. I then started to play with Y/n's hair again.

Your P.O.V
I felt someone play with my hair. I then lifted my arm slightly and saw Yusei with pieces of my hair in his hands. I smiled while resting my arm on my chest. I felt Yusei's stare and opened one eye. He stopped what he was doing.

"If you wanted to play with my hair, you could of just asked. I wouldn't of minded. I like it when someone plays with my hair. Helps me relax." I said with a yawn to him. Yusei relaxed a bit but was still tense because he got caught. He slowly picked up some of my hair and played with it. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Yusei brushed away some of the hair out of my face and continued to play with my hair.

Yusei's P.O.V
I continued to play with Y/n's hair. His h/l h/c hair was so soft. I couldn't focus on the duel because of this. Y/n had his eyes closed and held a smile on his face. It seemed he needed this. Half way through the duel, Y/n started to stir. His expression held worry and anger. I shook him a few times and soon his eyes shot opened. His eyes were replaced with different coloured eyes. He sat up with fear. I scooted over to him and rubbed his back.

"Where's Luna?" Y/n asked.

"She's dueling the Professor." I replied.

"Sweet Honey Ice Tea...I got to get to her." Y/n said and got up and ran out the door. I followed after him. We went outside and Luna wasn't herself.

"Luna! Can you hear me?!" Y/n asked. He growled when he didn't get a response. He then turned to the professor.

"This is weird." I said.

"Not weird. Just magic being used incorrectly. The professor is trying to get to Luna." Y/n explained.

"Their eyes are so distant." I said. Then I noticed a glowing mark on Luna's arm.

"I need to get in there..." Y/n mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look after my body. I'm going to get Luna." He said and knelt down on one knee. He closed his eyes and was out. I knelt down beside him amd he wasn't responding.

Your P.O.V
I closed my eyes and reopened them but I wasn't in reality,. I was in the spirit word. I looked around and saw corruption. I ran in the direction and went to look for Luna. D/n then appeared also looking for Luna. I then saw her and the professor. He was making the corruption worse. I growled.

"Luna!" I called. She turned her head to see me. She smiled. I ran up to her and stood infront of her.

"D/n. We need to stop this guy before this place crumbles." I said. They hummed and created a shield around us.

"Y/n. How are you here? Who is that?" Luna asked.

"I'll explain later. Right now you need to continue your duel. I can do so much. End the duel and I'll see you on the other side." I replied and saw Hauo running to us.

"We'll deal with the corruption. Finish the duel." He said to Luna. We soon got to work. It soon stopped and started to leave. D/n, Hauo and I were focusing but I couldn't take it. I knelt down and took a breath.

"Y/n!" I heard Luna call out. I turned to her and smiled. I sighed in relief and stood back up.

"We can't do much more here. That dragon needs to break free to heal this world." Hauo said.

"I will get him back. Tell Jaden that he'll be with Yuaei." D/n said and we all separated.

Yusei's P.O.V
I helped Luna out and carried her but she soon stood up on her own. I then noticed Y/n still on the ground. Luna and I ran up to him with worry.

"Y/n?! You alright?" I asked but he didn't respond.

"He was helping me out in the spirit world with two others." Luna explained. I nodded and picked him up bride style. Y/n stirred but was still asleep. Luna followed us into the break room. While we were walking, Y/n grabbed my jacket tightly.

"Yusei! Hey Yusei!" I looked up and saw Jaden. He was puffed out but took deep breaths.

"Is my nephew alright? I heard what happened." He said with a worried look.

"I think so. He's just resting for now." I replied.

"He came after me with two others. I'm sorry." Luna said. Jaden's expression softened.

"No need to be sorry. He was just looking out for his friends. I know I would if I was in his shoes. I did the same thing one time too but it didn't end to well." Jaden said. Luna nodded. Y/n stirred again which got our attention.

"Yusei. Bring him to my place. I'll be able to take care of him there." Jaden said and we walked to Jaden's place which was a hotel.

"I don't normally stay in one place for too long but for my nephew, I could make a few exceptions." Jaden explained. He opened the door and we walked in. I placed him on the bed but he didn't let go. I took my jacket off and sat on the bed while covering Y/n with my jacket.

"He seems to like you Yusei." Luna said. I hummed.

"He was never the one to understand love thanks to his past. I was the only family he has at the moment." Jaden explains.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"His parents died during that zero reverse. I was in Australia then, I think. I was supposed to get a call from one of them but it never came. I started to get worried when I heard what happened. After a few years I got a call from Y/n. He knew my numbers and when to call so we talked and thought of a plan. And that's how we met up at the tournament." Jaden explains. He gave Luna a cup of water and sat down next to her. I didn't say anything. Y/n grabbed my jacket and snuggled his face in it. I blushed at that and smiled.

"You break his heart, we break your bones." Jaden threatens. My face turned red which made Luna and Jaden to laugh. I groaned and stood up.

"We better get going. We have a long day tomorrow. I'll come and visit at the same time." I said. Jaden nodded, walking us out. I looked back at Y/n and smiled softly. Luna and I soon left and went to get some food.

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