Chapter 13

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Your P.O.V
I noticed Rally run up to me. He smiled and hugged me as best he could. I wrapped one arm around him and kept my other arm on my runner. He looked at the screen and hummed.

"You shouldn't be here, Rally. It's dangerous." I said. D/n hummed and placed themselves on my duel runner. Rally looked up at me.

"I know, but I want to be here for both you and Yusei." Rally replied. I sighed and turned to the field. I turned to the back of my duel runner and thought of something. I got off my runner and unlocked a compartment in the runner, and pulled out an old head set. I brushed the dust off them and stood back up. I plugged them into my runner and got a connection through to Yusei.

"Yusei? Can you hear me? Yusei?" I asked. Rally held his hands close to his chest, worried about Yusei.

Yusei's P.O.V
I noticed static from my helmet. I hummed and heard a voice through them.

"Yus-? Can you- Yusei?" My eyes widened. I turned the mic on.

"Y/n?" I said through the mic. He sighed in relief.

"You alright out there?" He asked.

"Yeah. But I don't know what I am going to do." I replied.

"Just focus. I'm here as support. Rally is, too. We're cheering for you. So knock him dead." Y/n said. I smiled softly.

"Thanks, Y/n. Can you stay on the line? I may need a boost." I said.

"You bet I will. Now win the duel." Y/n said. I smiled and faced Kalin again.

"It looks like your precious duel runner is about to give up on you, Yusei." Kalin said. I growled.

"Calm yourself. The shadows surrounding your runner will keep it steady until the duel is over." Y/n said through the helmet.

"It's fine, Kalin. It's just a little wobbly, is all."  I said.

"Then I guess it's a perfect fit for your game." Kalin said. I tried to keep my duel runner straight, but it was difficult.

"Hear that? It sounds to me like you have a couple of loyal friends out there watching the duel. I just hope for your sake that you never have to feel the stinging pain of their betrayal." Kalin said.

"Yusei, ignore what he is saying. We are all right behind you. The duel isn't over until the last cards played. You hear me? Focus on the duel. You'll be fine." Y/n said. I nodded and got into the game again.

"It's my turn." I said, drawing my card. 'I've only got one way to throw him off his strategy. It's a long shot, but I got to try something.' I thought.

"Alright, Kalin, since you got monsters on your field and my field is empty, I'm able to special summon this next card as a level four monster. I summon Level warrior." I said. It had 300 ATK. "Next, I'll bring out hyper synchron to the field in attack mode."

Hyper synchron had 1600 ATK. When Hyper synchron is used to summon a synchro monster, that monster gains 800 attack points and can not be destroyed by battle.

"I'm shaking." Kalin teased.

"And now I'll use the power of my Hyper synchron to tune my level warrior so I can summon out your destruction!" I said. "Star dust dragon! Let's rev it up!"

Y/n cheered on the other side of the mic. I smiled.

"Bursting out your deck's top performer. I was worried you weren't taking me seriously. I guess, in a way, I should be flattered." Kalin said.

"Well, this next move will really make you feel special. See, when Hyper synchron is used to summon a synchro monster, the summoned monster then gets a power boost." I said. Stardust was now up to 3300 ATK.

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