Chapter 6

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N/n - nickname

Your P.O.V
After finishing my duel runner, we sat down and just relaxed. I was on my laptop, updating the system when I got a call screen. I clicked answer and saw someone I haven't seen in a long time.

"Hey Uncle Jesse!" I said with a smile. Jaden and Yusei perked up. Uncle Jesse was wearing a loose shirt while his hair was a mess.

"How's my bright jewel doing? Is Jaden with you?" He asked. I smiled.

"Good. Just got a few injuries from my last duel." I replied. Jesse blinked and barked.

"What?! Who hurt you?! When I find them I'll-" I cut him off.

"No no Uncle Jesse. He's a friend. He didn't mean too. But he did help me with my runner since he turned it into a wreck." I said with a nervous smile. Yusei tensed up. Jaden walked over and waved at Jesse with a smile.

"Hey Jess'!" Jaden greeted. Jesse smiled.

"Hey Jay!" Jesse said.

"I'm glad to see my boys again." Jesse said.

"It's good to see you too, love." Jaden replied. I nod and smiled.

"So what's been happening?" I asked.

"Nothing much, Y/n. The crystal beasts have been wondering when they will be able to see you and Jaden again. Ruby especial. She's been kinda lonely." Jesse replied. She soon appeared on screen.

"Aw. It's alright. I might come and visit after this whole chaos is over." I said. Jesse nodded and then had an idea.

"Actually. I got a better idea. I'll come to you two." He said.

"Wait really?!" I asked with excitement.

"Yeah. I talked to your uncle about it and we decided to move to the city to be closer to you." Jesse explains.

"That's amazing to hear! When will you get here?" I asked.

"Well. I have started packing most of the stuff. And we did buy a house near the water as well to get some piece and quite." Jesse replied. "All I have is the clothes and that will be it. Jaden packed his stuff so I just have to do mine and we'll be set."

I nod. Jaden sat down next to me. I noticed Yusei waiting patiently for us to finish. I turned to him and smiled.

"Well. I better go. It's getting quite late." Jesse said.

"Aw. Okay. Thanks for the call Uncle Jesse!" I said.

"No problem n/n. You get some sleep." He replied with a smile.

"I will. Good night." I said.

"Night n/n." Uncle Jesse said and hung up. A yawn escaped my lips. Jaden smiled and patted my head.

"Well. I'm going to head home to Jesse. I had to book out of that hotel room so I'll go and help Jesse. You sure you'll be alright on your own?" Jaden asked.

"Yep. I'll be alright. Be careful on the way back." I said. He nodded and opened a portal.

"I wish you luck on your next duel Yusei." Jaden said before he went through the portal. I closed my laptop and yawned again.

"Let's get going. We have a long day tomorrow." Yusei said. I nod and stood up. I then realized that my runner wasn't ready yet and I couldn't drive it. Yusei grabbed my helmet and gave it to me.

"You can get on with me." Yusei said. I nod and followed him to his runner. We got on his runner. I noticed that his runner was made for one person only. I put my helmet on and smiled.

Crimson Guardian Yusei Fudo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now