Chapter 20

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Your P.O.V
We got into the helicopter and buckled up. I sat next to Yusei on his right while the twins were looking out the window on his left. Akiza and Jack were sitting in front of us.

"You didn't have to do that, you know." Yusei said finally.

"I had too. Other wise who would finish it. And how are you going to find me if we got separated." I replied. Yusei sighed and unfolded his arms, linking them with mine. I smiled softly and kissed his head. I rested my head on his and closed my eyes.

I woke up by someone shaking me awake. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I saw Yusei with his hands on my shoulders, shaking me awake.

"Alright. I'm up. I'm up." I said. Yusei stopped shaking me and hummed.

"We're here." He said. I nodded, and we walked out of the helicopter. We saw Martha and Blister with a few kids. They smiled and ran up to me.

"Y/n! You're back!" One of the children said. I chuckled and patted their heads. Martha ran up to us and started talking to Jack.

"Do that thing you used to do. That adorable little prince ruiten." Martha said. Jack started to get embarrassed, face going red. I started to laugh while Yusei did the same.

"Are they serious?" I asked. Yusei smiled and hugged my side. Jack got down on one knee and started to speak.

"Greetings most fairest of maidens, may this prince kiss your hand?" He grabbed Martha's hand and kissed it. I laughed and clung onto Yusei for dear life. Everyone was confused. Yusei soon started to laugh, and we were both laughing our hearts out.

"You're such a sweet little boy!" Martha said, hugging Jack with a smile. Jack tensed up when Martha wrapped her arms around him tighter. Jack's face turned purple.

"More like a jackass." I said. Martha let Jack go and walked over to us. The children then ran up to us again and started to ask questions. Two of them grabbed Yusei's hand while a girl held mine. Soon, they all went to Jack.

"So Martha, things sure seem quite around here." Yusei said. Martha then tensed up and sighed.

"That's because the fogs taken everyone." Martha replied. My eyes widened. We all went inside and into the dining room. We all sat down and listened to what Martha had to say.

"Yesterday, a strange black fog appeared out of nowhere and desended on the downtown area of Satellite. And when it cleared, almost everyone that would have been caught in the fog was gone." Martha explained, sadly.

"What do you mean, Martha?" I asked.

"They vanished. They just weren't there anymore. Fortunately, the fog didn't come here, so we were safe. But I'm afraid that everyone else..." Martha trailed off. But Blister spoke up.

"We haven't seen or heard from Rally, Tank, Nervian, Blitz, or Crow since this happened."

"Rally was in that fog?" D/n asked with anger. I looked down.

"Not Rally..." I whispered. Yusei rubbed my back.

"Seriously?!" Yusei asked.

"I'm worried that something terrible as happened to them." Martha said. I looked back up.

"Who are those people, Yusei? Are they your friends?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. Rally was Y/n's and D/n's friend as well." Yusei replied. I didn't know what to feel now.

"D/n and I met Rally in the streets. He was running from sector security when I saved him. We hung out together. He was also the one suggesting to build my runner and the one that helped me to escape this place. I wish I had taken him with me." I explained, I tighter my fist in anger, hitting it onto the table, hardly. Everyone was still silent. Martha then spoke up again.

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