Chapter 26

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Your P.O.V
I was driving to see Yusei, my boyfriend, at his new apartment. I never got the chance to, so today I was going to visit them. Ever since the dark times a few months ago, we've become more mature, as my uncles say. I still live with them and help, but in my spare time, I hang out with Yusei. I parked in front of their apartment. I saw Zora walking out with a basket. I took my helmet off and walked over to her. She noticed me and smiled.

"Good morning, Y/n! How have you been?" Zora asked.

"Great." I replied. "Do you need help with that?"

"Yes, please." She relied with a smile. I took the basket from her, and we walked to her clothes line. We then heard an expression coming from the apartment.

"Oh boy." I muttered. We ran up and burst through the door. Jack was about to harm Crow when we broke it up.

"That's enough!" Zora said. The three boys looked at her.

"Uh oh. Our landlord." Crow muttered. "And Yusei's boyfriend."

"Aw. They don't scare me." Jack said stubbornly. Yusei sweat dropped. I glared at him.

"Oh. Is that so? Well, does living with the streets with the rats scare you?" I asked coldly.

"Because I am this close to toss you two idiots out." Zora said angrily. Crow and Jack tried to come up with an excuse, but Zora cut them off.

"But nothing! I am sick and tired of all your excuses, so don't even both!" She said.

"She took you in, and now this is how you repay her? Do I have to bring Jesse to deal with you two? Or Martha?" I said.

"Sorry, Zora and Y/n. We've been working on a new engine again." Yusei explained. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips. Zora smiled.

"Say no more, Yusei. You can make all the noise you want, after all. You and that great boyfriend of yours did save the world from those dark signers." Zora said. I sighed.

"Sure. Whatever you say." Yusei replied. Jack and Crow sighed. Then we heard sector security alarms. Everyone surrounding the apartment walked away. Zora went to talk to them while I walked down stairs.

"Hey, Y/n." Yusei said with a smile. I wrapped my arms around him, smiling back at him.

"Hi, Yusei." I said. Yusei and I shared a quick kiss and hugged each other.

"Get a room, you two!" We heard Trudge say. We growled. Yusei and I pulled away and started to clean up the explosive mess they made.

"Don't tell me you're still working on that new duel engine prototype." Trudge said.

"We sure are. And if we can get the thing to work right, it will definitely take our game to the next level." Yusei replied.

"And that's going to take us to the grandprix. The toughest, roughest duel contest ever to hit Neo Domino city. It will be here before you know it." Crow added. I rolled my eyes.

"Right. And since it's four duelists, a team, creating one new engine design we can all use is the best way to level up our runners and guarantee our victory, and duelling immortality will be ours." Jack added.

"You guys are dreaming too big." I said.

"Y/n's right. What more do you have to prove? You already saved the world. If you ask me, it is alright to rest for a bit." Trudge said.

"No way! A true duelist never rests. He's always training and getting better." Crow said.

"That is false. A duelist needs to rest even if they don't want to. Overworking yourself can lead up to negative emotions, and your body can not function like it should be." I said. Crow rolled his eyes. I looked at Yusei and saw him still looking at the pieces. I grabbed it out of his hands and placed them on his desk.

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