Chapter 14

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Your P.O.V
I was helping Martha in the kitchen when I saw flowers outside.

"I never thought of Satellite having flowers." I said. Martha hummed and smiled.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" She asked. I nodded and dried the dishes.

"Why don't you go and pick some for Yusei? He would love to see something like that when he walks up." Martha suggested. I hummed. I placed the last dish in the cupboard and walked outside. I picked some of the flowers and had an idea. I walked back inside and went to sit at the table. Martha was coming out of Yusei's room when I finished making the flower crown. She smiled and pointed to his room. I was confused and walked up to the door. I peaked in and saw Yusei awake and okay. I opened the door fully, which got Yusei's attention. I smiled and ran up to him. Yusei smiled back and opened his arms. I was careful with him since he was still recovering.

"You're okay!" I said. He chuckled and tightened the hug. I nuzzled into his neck and shoulder.

"It's good to see you too, Y/n." Yusei said. I pulled away slightly and placed the flower crown on his head. He seemed confused at first but smiled. He pulled me back into the hug.

Yusei's P.O.V
I was happy to Y/n. It just made me relax more and forget about everything. Y/n pulled away slightly and placed a flower crown on my head. I looked at the flowers and smiled. I pulled Y/n in for another hug and tightened it, not letting Y/n go. I pulled Y/n down on the bed and rested my head on the pillow while he rested on my shoulder. He made a noise but smiled.

"It's good to have you back. You had me worried, Yusei." Y/n said. I sighed and looked down at him.

"I'm sorry I worried you." I said. Y/n pitched my arm. I hissed.

"When I say get out of there. You do it. Got that? I do not want to see you black and blue again." Y/n said. I hummed and felt Y/n move.

"And you owe me a new jacket." I burst out laughing. Y/n glared at me. "No. I mean it. It's either you get me a new jacket or I steal yours."

I calmed down and started to play with Y/n's hair again. Y/n hummed and smiled. He started to rub my side where the wound was, which to my surprise was painful. I sighed and saw Martha come in again with apples.

"I see you both are happy to see each other. You had Y/n worried sick. He never got a wink of sleep last night. I am surprised that he's still awake." Martha said. Y/n barrier his face in my chest trying to hide his embarrassed face. I laughed at that. Y/n growled and pitched me again.

"Ow. You didn't have to pitch me again." I said. Y/n smirked and held me tighter. Martha laughed.

"In my opinion, you deserve it. You had your boyfriend worried, and the only way to keep his mind off you was to get him to help me around the place. And I might have told him some things about you when you were younger." Martha said.

"Wait, what?! You told Y/n what?!" I asked. I was now embarrassed. Y/n laughed and looked at me.

"I loved the photos. They were adorable." He said. I groaned and tried to sit up, but Y/n kept me in place. Martha laughed and walked out, but before she left, she spoke to us.

"You both better get some sleep. I don't want to carry both of you to bed." She said and walked out the door. I sighed and noticed Y/n getting comfortable. He closed his eyes and yawned. I smiled and did the same. I then realised that Y/n felt really warm.

"I just realised something." I said. Y/n hummed, signalling that he was listening. "You're like a living heater."

Now that got Y/n to open his eyes with a groan. He didn't seem impressed. He gave me a blank expression and rolled his eyes after a few moments. I chuckled and snuggled into him more.

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