Chapter 02: Sunrays

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In the dream, Granger finds herself seated in a vast expanse of emerald wheat fields. The supple stalks sway gracefully, their dance in the gentle breeze captivating her attention. She gazes in awe at the individual grains, each one unique yet flawlessly shaped. With a tender touch, Granger runs her hand along their edges, savoring the juxtaposition of rough and smooth textures. Tilting her face upwards, she basks in the soothing warmth of the midsummer sun, the fragrant air enveloping her senses just perfectly. High above, birds traverse the nearly cloudless sky.

Setting off on foot, Granger discovers that the field stretches on endlessly, and gradually, her feet transform into roots, firmly anchoring themselves into the fertile soil. Her hands take on a verdant hue, and before long, she too becomes one with the wheat. In harmony with the wind, she sways joyfully among her fellow stalks, a part of the natural world around her, as the dream unfolds into a serene and enchanting experience.

(Y/n) clearly knows there's something positive meaning behind this dream.

The inventor didn't choose to flee from the scene, even though the urge was strong. Instead, she stood her ground, determined to witness the magnificent and destructive spectacle that Apollo's Flare would unleash. From the moment she had launched the space cannon and witnessed the sheer power of its orbital strike, she had been eager to see it in action once more.

In that suspended moment, time seemed to slow down, though not for everyone else. Through the eyes of an inventor, the success of Apollo's Flare's orbital strike was crystal clear, even in the midst of her dire circumstances. Her wide smile concealed the unspoken hardships and sacrifices she had poured into making Apollo's Flare a reality. Every drop of blood and bead of sweat had been worth it. Even if this marked her time, she could rest assured that Apollo's Flare had proven itself a resounding success.

Her ultimate dream had been to make Apollo's Flare the loyal companion of the sun, to combat its scorching heat and sustain it. This ambition had been one of her loftiest goals, a testament to her dedication and brilliance. It was further evidence supporting her claim to the title of the Greatest Inventor.

However, as events unfolded, she would soon realize that she had been mistaken.

"You named it Apollo's Flare, Little one?"

At the age of eleven, (Y/n) enthusiastically nodded, her smile radiating as brilliantly as the sun, bringing warmth and excitement to the young Granger as someone was beginning to take an interest in her passions.

"I believe that launching Apollo's Flare will make me the greatest inventor, Professor Alhacen!" she responded, her enthusiasm ever-present in her tone. Her eyes, colored (e/c), practically gleamed with excitement and fervor.

The professor paused for a moment, bringing a hand to his chin as he carefully examined the design and mechanics of Apollo's Flare. "Greatest... It's a grand word for someone so young," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the blueprint of the space cannon. "Tell me, Little Granger, what truly defines greatness?"

"Is it when someone does something that can make them great?" (Y/n) replied, her uncertainty evident.

"Such as?"

"When they contribute to humanity's well-being, Professor."

"And how will your Apollo's Flare benefit humanity? What is its purpose? Why are you constructing it? What drives you?" Professor Alhacen gently grasped (Y/n)'s small shoulders, redirecting her full attention toward him.

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