Chapter 05: Sunset

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As the holographic blueprints of Dantalion continued to hover before them, (Y/n) and Law engaged in a conversation about their unique specialties.

"That's a human puppet?" Law inquired, his curiosity piqued by the intricate design displayed in the hologram.

(Y/n) beamed with enthusiasm, eager to explain. "Yes, it focuses on medical expertise, Law. So if it's okay with you, I'll be asking for medical information that I can add to Dante."

Law, with a hint of nonchalance, replied, "It'll be a lot, Inventor-ya. And if I have the time to help."

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled with exhilaration. "Oh~! I'll be looking forward to your cooperation, Law~! You don't know how much this means to meee~" She suddenly held both of his hands, gently shaking them to express her gratitude.

Law's trademark smirk returned as he posed a question that gave (Y/n) pause. "And what's in it for me?" he asked, his gray eyes fixing on her. It was a playful challenge, a reminder that cooperation often came with its own set of expectations and benefits.

It was clear that Law, despite his willingness to assist, had his own considerations. Their partnership was developing with a blend of pragmatism and camaraderie, and (Y/n) found herself pondering what she could offer to reciprocate the favor to the enigmatic doctor.

A playful banter filled the air as (Y/n) and Law discussed the potential benefits of their collaboration.

"How about the Apollo's Flare?" she suggested.

Law raised an eyebrow in response. "That big guy?" he remarked. "Nah~ I can handle the offense and defense, I can do so much better than that thing."

(Y/n) couldn't help but playfully stick her tongue out, feigning offense. "Hey!Apollo's Flare can turn you into ashes! You're no match for my big guy!" she retorted, a hint of competitive spirit in her tone.

Their exchange was a testament to the camaraderie that was forming between them, a playful back-and-forth that hinted at the potential for great teamwork and innovation on their journey together.

"Come on, Miss Inventor, think something that can potentially interest me." Law challenged (Y/n) to come up with something, she took a moment to think. Then, a light bulb appeared above her head, signaling her idea.

"How about I'll be your nurse or personal assistant, someone who can help you with medical research and assist during medical emergencies?" she proposed with enthusiasm. "How does that sound, Law?"

Law considered her suggestion, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes. "Now that's tempting," he admitted, his interest piqued by the idea of having a capable and inventive assistant who could aid him in his medical endeavors.

Their conversation was taking an intriguing turn, with the potential for a new dynamic within the Heart Pirates' crew. It was yet another step in their journey together, one that held promise and possibilities.

"It's a good situation for the both of us," (Y/n) cooed with a playful tone, leaning closer to Law. "I get to acquire valuable information while assisting you with your work. Come on, Doctor Law, isn't that tempting enough for you?"

"Why a human puppet?" Law's response was another question, this time inquiring about her choice of a human puppet. (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion at first but then smiled as she recalled the words of her favorite professor.

"I want a project that will help humanity, Law," she explained. "A project that will free humanity from the chains of their illnesses. Freedom is great when it is demanded and controlled by no one, not even illnesses."

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