Chapter 16: Sunscorch

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"We're going back to Auriveil Island!" (Y/n) cheered.

The announcement reverberated through the Polar Tang, the energy of (Y/n)'s cheer infusing the air with a sense of buoyant enthusiasm that rippled through the crew. As the news of their return to Auriveil Island spread, a ripple of excitement swept through her eyes, carrying with it a renewed sense of purpose and anticipation for the adventures that awaited them on the familiar shores of the island.

"We're going back to Auriveil Island!" Bepo, his furry arms raised in exuberant celebration, mirrored (Y/n)'s infectious enthusiasm, his jubilant exclamation punctuating the air with a palpable sense of excitement. The crew members who had gathered nearby couldn't help but join in the collective cheer, their voices blending harmoniously with the spirited chorus that filled the vessel.

"Yeah! Auriveil Island!" Penguin cheered as well.

"Auriveil!" Shachi followed.

"What can we expect to find on the island, (Y/n)-san?" Bepo asked, a sense of anticipation underlying his question.

With a playful twinkle in her eyes, (Y/n) leaned in closer and lowered her voice conspiratorially. "Well, Bepo, the island holds ancient relics, hidden treasures, and knowledge stored in Archippo Museum," she whispered, her voice filled with excitement. "I am a scholar at Archippo Museum, maybe we can have access to explore the inside." She added.

Penguin's brow furrowed with a hint of skepticism as he regarded (Y/n), his voice laced with a tinge of uncertainty. "You've been having dreams about Svargo, right?" he inquired, a note of curiosity underscoring his question. "What makes you think that the answers to your dreams can be found on that island?"

(Y/n) met Penguin's gaze with a resolute expression, her eyes alight with a fervent determination that belied the uncertainty that lingered within her. "There's something about those dreams that feels... significant," she explained, her voice carrying a quiet intensity. "Visions of Svargo have haunted my thoughts, and I can't shake the feeling that there's a connection waiting to be discovered, He said to return and Auriveil Island is the first place I thought of."

Bepo nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a shared sense of purpose. "If there's a chance that Auriveil Island holds the key to understanding more about Svargo's origins and purpose, just like Captain told us, it's worth exploring," he chimed in, his voice firm with conviction.

(Y/n) nodded, "I believe that Auriveil Island might hold the key to unraveling Svargo's origins and the knowledge that he carries within him," she answered, her voice filled with conviction. "Perhaps the island will offer us the chance to understand the extent of his capabilities and the hidden truths that lie at the heart of his existence."

Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo huddled together in the heart of the Polar Tang, the ship's comforting hum providing a backdrop to their conversation. The topic at hand was Svargo, the enigmatic robot who had become an integral part of their crew and the center of (Y/n)'s recent dreams.

"I've never heard anything like Svargo before," Penguin remarked, scratching his head with a perplexed expression. "I bet he's got more gadgets and gizmos than I can count. Where do you think he comes from, Shachi?"

Leaning against the wall, arms crossed in contemplation, Shachi pondered the question. "It's definitely a puzzle, alright," he mused, his tone colored with interest. "But I must admit, I'd be amazed by the technology that brought him to life. He's practically a treasure trove of inventions. A robot like him, entwined with Miss (Y/n)'s dreams, seems to challenge the very boundaries of scientific understanding."

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