Chapter 19: Sunspark

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The name hung in the air, a heavy revelation that seemed to carry more weight than the sunlit day could contain. Law's reaction was immediate, his usually composed demeanor replaced by a subtle tension. The mention of "Donquixote" stirred memories, and the implications of (Y/n)'s confession became a puzzle he hadn't anticipated.

(Y/n) wept, concealing her face with both hands. "I didn't want anyone to find out, I didn't want anyone to know, the dreams — the achievements and ambitions of my father are not something to be proud of."

Law's stare lingered on her, her body shuddering as she sat on a sizable stone. Turri, her diminutive robot companion, stood nearby, silently witnessing the emotional exchange between captain and crew member.

"I despise him," she went on, "I'm repulsed by the fact that every time I shower, I'll be haunted by the realization of sharing the same blood as him." Her words lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of disdain. (Y/n)'s eyes reflected of anger and self-loathing as she continued to bare her soul to Law.

Her nails dug into her skin, "I don't recall carrying his surname, but I do remember being raised in Dressrosa. I remember him exploiting me to recreate a robot like Svargo. That lunatic! That dirty donkey doesn't know how to treat a lady! Specifically, his own daughter! I refuse him!"

The waves whispered a gentle rhythm as (Y/n) continued to vent her frustrations, the sunlit shore becoming a confessional for the turmoil within her.

"I was a pawn in his twisted game," she continued, "He used me, manipulated my memories, and all for his mad experiments with Svargo. The audacity to exploit his own flesh and blood for his deranged ambitions!"

Law listened attentively, his expression a blend of empathy and concern. Turri, the small robot companion, hovered nearby.

"He treated me like a tool, a means to an end," (Y/n) ranted, her frustration echoing. "But my adoptive mother... she tinkered with Turri, making her to erase my memories without my consent..."

"Turri, play the audio." She politely asked her small companion.

Suddenly, a subtle whirring sound emanated from Turri, and an ethereal voice filled the air—a recorded audio clip that unveiled the clandestine adjustments made by (Y/n)'s adoptive mother.

"I've made the necessary modifications to Turri's programming," the voice echoed, a chilling undertone in its clinical cadence. "She'll erase (Y/n)'s memories related to Svargo and our experiments. It's for her own good, to spare her from the burdens of our twisted pursuits."

Law's stoic exterior betrayed little emotion, but beneath it brewed a complex amalgamation of thoughts and sentiments. (Y/n)'s revelation, entwined with the legacy of the Donquixote family, struck a chord that resonated with Law's own history.

The mention of Donquixote Doflamingo, Law's arch-nemesis, added a layer of tension to the situation. The man who had once tormented Law, turning his life into a harrowing tale of revenge, now cast his shadow over (Y/n)'s past. 

Law harbored a silent understanding of (Y/n)'s struggle. Her desire to break free from the shackles of her family's sins mirrored Law's own pursuit of liberation from the Doflamingo legacy.

"He's a monster, I don't want his blood! This blood—" (Y/n) began, her scratching intensifying, leaving trails of blood on her cheeks. "This mud of blood! — mphh!"

Suddenly, Law's usual composure shattered. He swiftly dropped to one knee, a surprising urgency in his movements. With a firm grasp on both of her hands, he pulled her down, leaning upward to meet her lips in a kiss that seemed to defy the gravity of the moment.

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