Chapter 14: Sundew

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"Miss Sunny..."

"Where are you?" (Y/n) voiced out in the middle of the raging snow storm.

As the relentless snowstorm raged on, its icy tendrils seeping through the fabric of her clothing, (Y/n) found herself shivering uncontrollably, her body protesting against the biting cold that threatened to consume her. Her once sturdy boots, now soaked through with the freezing slush, bore the telltale signs of wear and tear, the crimson stains of her own blood mingling with the pristine whiteness of the snow.

The Polar Tang, now a distant silhouette against the howling blizzard, seemed to offer a fleeting promise of warmth and safety. Yet, (Y/n) remained rooted in place, her feet buried in the unforgiving snow, each step a testament to her unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.

In a desperate attempt to stave off the encroaching chill, she wrapped her arms around herself, seeking to create some semblance of warmth amid the relentless onslaught of the storm. The wind howled around her, carrying with it the promise of isolation and desolation, a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of the environment that now threatened her very existence.

Her gaze shifted reluctantly to the looming figure of the cyclopean robot, a sentinel standing resolute amidst the chaos, its presence a stark contrast to the unrelenting ferocity of the elements. (Y/n) averted her gaze, not wanting the stinging snowflakes to make contact with her vulnerable eyes, the effort a small but necessary measure to preserve her limited vision in this tempestuous landscape.

In that frozen moment, with the relentless snowflakes swirling around her, each crystalline flake a fleeting testament to the beauty and cruelty of nature, (Y/n) grappled with the sheer magnitude of the situation. The cyclopean robot, an enigmatic entity from her dreams, now stood as a harbinger of uncertainty and foreboding, its presence a haunting reminder of the mysteries that had yet to be unraveled.

(Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat as the snowfall momentarily abated, revealing the imposing figure of the cyclopean robot. Its cold, metallic form stood as a sentinel amidst the wintry tempest, its single glowing eye fixated on her with an enigmatic intensity. Steeling herself against the biting cold, she mustered the courage to address the mysterious entity.

"Miss Sunny..." It continued.

The voice, a haunting whisper amidst the howling snowstorm, seemed to permeate (Y/n)'s consciousness, its plaintive plea ringing with a sense of longing and desperation. (Y/n) strained to locate the source, her gaze searching through the veil of swirling snowflakes for any sign of the enigmatic figure who had spoken.

"Return to me, Miss Sunny," the voice persisted, its timbre tinged with a mixture of sorrow and reverence. "And I will serve you, devote my life to you... just return to me."

Confusion etched itself onto (Y/n)'s features as she grappled with the implications of the mysterious entreaty. Her mind raced, attempting to decipher the enigmatic voice that seemed to echo through the frigid expanse, reaching out to her with an urgency that defied the relentless storm.

"W-who are you?" (Y/n) managed to stammer, her words almost lost in the fury of the blizzard. "W-where can I..." Her voice faltered momentarily, the coldness seeping into her bones, threatening to unravel her resolve. Gathering her strength, she continued, "Where can I find you?"

(Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat as the snowfall momentarily abated, revealing the imposing figure of the cyclopean robot. Its cold, metallic form stood as a sentinel amidst the wintry tempest, its single glowing eye fixated on her with an enigmatic intensity. Steeling herself against the biting cold, she mustered the courage to address the mysterious entity.

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