Chapter 04: Sunlight

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Su nlight

The festive atmosphere aboard the Heart Pirates' Polar Tang was palpable, resembling a grand celebration without any specific reason.

As (Y/n) sat with Bepo, the jovial bear happily devouring his meal, she found herself seated across from the Captain of the Heart Pirates, Law. He was meticulously sharpening the blade of his Kikoku sword. In front of her, a well-prepared meal awaited her: a tantalizing array of meats and onigiri. However, instead of indulging in her meal, she gazed at her food, and her appetite completely diminished.

While her stomach rumbled with emptiness, the hollowness she felt was nothing compared to the aftermath of the Tennessee Island attack.

Despite the haunting memories of the Auriveil Island attack, (Y/n) understood that she needed to be strong for the people affected, her beloved Professor Alhacen, the child she had saved, and Dante. She couldn't allow them to see her succumb to despair, especially over the destruction of Tennessee Island. It wasn't just about the Bronte Pirates; it was the catastrophic impact of Apollo's Flare that weighed on her conscience.

She was determined not to let her grief consume her and chose instead to focus on being a source of strength and hope for those around her. However, contemplating her creation's destructive power made her feel like the true villain behind the fall of Auriveil Island.

Law couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in (Y/n)'s behavior. Earlier, she had been enthusiastic and animated as she shared the story of Apollo's Flare with the crew, but now she sat in silence. He observed her as she absentmindedly took a spoonful of rice, only to have tears streaming down her face. The abrupt change in her demeanor didn't go unnoticed, and several members of the crew exchanged puzzled and sympathetic glances as they tried to understand what might be troubling her.

As she took another bite of the succulent, perfectly seasoned meat, she couldn't help but notice the intriguing contrast of flavors dancing on her taste buds. The savory juices from the perfectly grilled steak coated her palate, releasing a burst of smoky richness that seemed to melt in her mouth. The meat was tender, a testament to the chef's culinary prowess. At times, the saltiness of her tears threatened to overpower the exquisite meat, like a tidal wave threatening to engulf a delicate ship. She would take a sip of water, trying to balance the flavors on her palate, letting the coolness wash away the lingering tears. Then, with each subsequent bite, she discovered a delicate equilibrium, a culinary yin and yang that made this meal an experience unlike any other.

As Law watched (Y/n) continue to eat and shed tears simultaneously, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of sympathy and amusement. The inventor's emotional turmoil was evident, and it weighed heavily on his shoulders. The island's fate had clearly affected the inventor deeply, and Law could see the distress in her eyes.

(Y/n), on the other hand, seemed to be navigating a strange emotional territory. It was almost paradoxical how she managed to savor the meal before her while her tears flowed freely. He couldn't deny that there was something oddly amusing about the situation, although he knew it was evil to admit it. It was a peculiar contrast, one that left Law torn between wanting to comfort her and wanting to chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

The tension in the air seemed palpable, like a heavy burden that refused to dissipate. Law felt the ache in his shoulders, a physical manifestation of the emotional weight of the moment. He knew he needed to do something to alleviate the inventor's distress and provide some comfort, but finding the right words or actions in this unusual situation was proving to be a challenge.

Bepo, ever the perceptive bear, noticed (Y/n)'s distress as she whimpered and sobbed while eating her onigiri. Without hesitation, he wrapped his furry arms around her in a gentle bear hug, providing the comfort she needed. Law felt a sense of relief that someone else had stepped in to offer solace, sparing him from having to navigate the delicate situation himself.

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