Chapter 27: Sunshard

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"Fuck! — (Y/n)-ya!"

"Law! Help me!"

As Law observed (Y/n) running away from the menacing pack of foxes, a sense of urgency gripped him. The foxes, with bubbles foaming at their mouths, appeared rabid and hungry, their eyes fixed on (Y/n) as if she were their next meal — a clear indication of their predatory intent. With swift movements, Law rushed to intercept the path of the foxes, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he prepared to confront the aggressive creatures.

"Hey! Are you alright? What happened?!" Law called out, his voice tinged with concern as he caught up to (Y/n), who was frantically trying to evade the pursuing foxes.

(Y/n) glanced back at Law, her expression a mixture of fear and desperation. "I-I don't know what happened! They just started chasing me out of nowhere when I investigated a room!" she exclaimed, her breath coming out in ragged gasps as she continued to sprint ahead.

As Law matched her pace, he could see the fear in (Y/n)'s eyes, and he knew he had to find a way to protect her from the ferocious foxes. "You must have trigger something from the room! Stay close to me," he urged, his voice firm yet reassuring.

As the pack of ferocious foxes closed in on (Y/n), Law knew he had to act fast to ensure her safety. With a swift motion, he activated his Devil Fruit abilities, "Room" Law mumbled while lifting his fingers, creating a room of spatial manipulation around them.

Within this space, he mumbled one word: "Takt" He exerted his control over the environment, manipulating to lift the foxes off the ground, suspending them in mid-air and rendering them temporarily immobilized.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Law turned his attention to (Y/n), who was still fleeing from the danger. Using his "takt" ability again, he calculated the trajectory of her movements and the distance between them with precision timing. In a split-second decision, he reached out with lightning-fast reflexes, his arms outstretched to catch her before she could go any further away from him.

As (Y/n) stumbled into his arms, Law held her securely, his strong embrace providing a sense of safety and reassurance amidst the chaos. With a firm grip, he pulled her close, ensuring she was out of harm's way as he surveyed their surroundings for any lingering threats.

"Are you alright?" Law asked, his voice laced with genuine concern as he gazed down at (Y/n), his eyes searching hers for any signs of distress.

(Y/n) nodded, her heart still racing from the adrenaline-fueled encounter. "Y-Yes, I'm okay," she replied, her voice trembling slightly as she leaned into Law's embrace, grateful for his swift intervention.

"Where's the flux?" Law asked, noticing her parasol, a hybrid of sniper rifle and shotgun is knowhere to be seen.

(Y/n) softly gasped, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized that her flux was nowhere to be seen. In Law's comforting embrace, she felt a sense of vulnerability wash over her, the absence of her trusted companion leaving her feeling exposed and defenseless.

Frantically, (Y/n) turned her gaze around, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of her flux. It was then that she spotted it - a certain high-tech parasol lying abandoned nearby. Relief flooded her for a brief moment until she noticed something unsettling: her flux was surrounded by groups of pirates, their intentions appearing nothing but malicious and treacherous.

A surge of panic welled up within (Y/n) as she realized the danger her flux was in. With a quick intake of breath, she noticed Law instinctively moved to go retrieve it, but (Y/n)'s firm grip on his arm halted him in her tracks.

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