Chapter 20: Sunblaze

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"You two appeared as if you were classmates. How cute."

Robin's observation drew (Y/n) and Law's attention as they turned toward her. In that moment, the duo resembled students engaged in a casual brainstorming session, akin to a group of classmates in high school. A map adorned their makeshift table, surrounded by an assortment of books scattered haphazardly.

Amused by the scene, Robin remarked, "You two seems to have like a study date, doesn't it?"

(Y/n) responded with a warm smile, confirming, "Indeed, Robin-san."

Law, on the other hand, rolled his eyes and shook his head, choosing not to acknowledge Robin's presence in his characteristic fashion and chose to focus on the map made by Bepo.

"Granger (Y/n)," she introduced herself, extending her hand.

Robin chuckled, a glint of appreciation in her eyes. "Nico Robin," she responded, accepting the offered hand with a gentle handshake. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the greatest inventor herself."

(Y/n) laughed, a modest blush coloring her cheeks. "Oh, please, call me (Y/n)-san. The 'greatest inventor' title is a bit too much sometimes."

Robin's smile deepened. "Modesty suits you, (Y/n). Your reputation precedes you, and it's an honor to meet someone of your caliber."

(Y/n) admired Robin with a genuine smile. "The pleasure is mine, Robin-san. Your knowledge and skills as an archaeologist are renowned. I've read many of your published works at the Archippo Museum, and they've been a tremendous source of inspiration."

Robin's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "Thank you, (Y/n). It's always heartening to meet someone who values the pursuit of knowledge. Your inventions have undoubtedly left a mark on history."

The two women - an inventor and an archeologist, each accomplished in their own rights, shared a moment of mutual admiration.

"I must contribute to our strategy for the competition as well," Robin grinned, casting a playful look at (Y/n). "May the most formidable duo emerge victorious, (Y/n)-san."

(Y/n) chuckled, acknowledging the friendly competition. "I look forward to the challenge, Robin-san. May the best duo indeed prevail."

With that, the archeologist left their study place settled just besides a huge oak tree.

"You two appear to be getting along well," Law remarked, his gaze fixed on the map. "Normally, you would regard her as an opponent, similar to how you treated Zoro when you first encountered him at the museum."

(Y/n) playfully nudged his shoulder. "That was a different situation, and I have a soft spot for women- I love Robin."

Law remained unconvinced. "I fail to see the correlation."

"I simply appreciate women," she stated with a chuckle, earning a sigh from her captain.

"In the early stages of the competition, our battleground will be the abandoned museum in the southern part of the island," Law reiterated, his eyes narrowing in focus. "Your insights into this location could be the key to gaining an advantage. Tell me everything."

(Y/n) took a moment, her expression thoughtful, before delving into her expertise. "Throughout my extensive tenure as an Imperial Scholar at the Archippo Museum, that abandoned museum served as a dedicated research facility for the professors. If my memory serves me correctly, the venue is not only abandoned but also fortified with traps designed to detect even the faintest presence."

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