Chapter 24: Sunfury

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"What is freedom to you, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) charged forward, the rhythm sound of her heels weirdly satisfies her ears as she tightly gripped the handle of the flux. The parasol became an extension of her will as she swayed it toward Killer with the fluidity of a seasoned swordswoman.

As (Y/n) closed the distance, her movements were punctuated by occasional transformations of flux into shotgun mode. The resonant clicks and whirrs echoing.

In the midst of their engagement, Killer spoke with a calm demeanor. "Your adaptability is impressive, Inventor Granger. Not many can wield their creations with such finesse."

(Y/n) responded between swings of flux and a gentle smile. "What's the point of creating something if you can't master it? Innovation is not just about making things; it's about using them effectively."

The rain outside intensified, creating a melodic backdrop to the verbal exchange. Killer, evading a particularly swift strike, continued the conversation. "You speak of innovation. What is it that you seek to innovate in the world of pirates?"

(Y/n) twirled the flux expertly, transforming it back into a parasol before lunging forward. "Perception. Pirates are often seen as mere brutes seeking power. I want to change that perception. Show that intelligence and creativity have their place in the world of the sea."

Killer, deflecting a series of strikes effortlessly, acknowledged with a nod. "A noble goal, but in this world, strength often defines perception. Can your innovations truly shift that paradigm?"

(Y/n) grinned as she parried a counterstrike. "That's the challenge, isn't it? To prove that strength comes in many forms, and sometimes, the most powerful weapon is not the one that leaves the deepest scars."

"Freedom is a sun, it burns everything it touches."

Kid's laughter echoed through the dimly lit hallway, a raucous contrast to the tension that hung in the air. The rain outside, now a relentless downpour, seemed to match the intensity of the unfolding confrontation. Law, his gaze sharp, met Kid's taunting laughter with a stoic expression.

"Big talk coming from you," Kid sneered, his laughter subsiding into a mocking grin. "Who do you believe yourself to be? A significant figure of the Grand Line? Laughable! Your identity crumbles without your inventions. A devil fruitless individual who clings to the false hope this fool espouses."He gestured mockingly toward Law.

(Y/n), caught in the crossfire of Kid's taunts, felt a flicker of irritation. Suncrest Flux, still in her hands. Law, known for his reserved demeanor, narrowed his eyes at Kid's provocation.

Law's retort was measured, his voice cutting through the tension like a surgeon's scalpel. "Words from a man whose only claim to fame is a metal arm and a penchant for chaos. You underestimate the power of intellect, Eustass-ya, oh wait- I forgot you can't relate on that."

Kid's grin widened, seemingly unfazed by Law's response. "Intellect, huh? Let's see how far that gets you when the real power comes into play. Your inventor friend won't be able to save you from the storm that's about to hit."

The corridor became a battleground of words and ideologies, the flickering lights overhead casting erratic shadows as the clash between the Kid and Heart Pirates escalated beyond physical combat. The rain outside, a relentless witness, seemed to intensify with each exchange.

With a sudden burst of speed, Killer dashed forward, his blades gleaming ominously. (Y/n), anticipating the move, met his advance with a swift and calculated dash of her own. The corridor became a canvas for their kinetic exchange, shadows flickering in response to their movements.

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