Halloween Special: Sunfright

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Lieutenant! Law x HalfZombie! Reader

Zombie AU

(Halloween Special: Sunfright — Last Part)


As (Y/n) launched herself at Doflamingo with a speed that seemed to defy the very fabric of reality, Law sprang into action, he made sure his every movement is to protect the woman he had sworn to defend at any cost. With a deft flick of his hand, he summoned his Kikoku, the faint glint of steel glimmering in the dim light as he prepared for the battle that awaited them all.

The air crackled with an electric energy as (Y/n) and Doflamingo clashed in a frenzied dance of blows and counterattacks. Her movements were swift and calculated, her every strike guided by an otherworldly strength that seemed to pulse through her very veins. The sound of her sharp claws meeting
Doflamingo's sharp strings filled the air, the clashing of their weapons echoing through the desolate chamber like a haunting melody of chaos and turmoil.

Law's every strike was a calculated dance of precision and finesse, he acted as a support for (Y/n) who's obviously the front of the battle. His blade sliced through the air with a fluidity that belied the intensity of the battle, each strike cutting the strings Doflamingo placed in order for (Y/n) to move freely.

Doflamingo's laughter rang out like a sinister symphony, the mocking echo of a man who relished the chaos that surrounded him. "You fight well, my dear," he taunted, his voice laced with a twisted mix of amusement and malice. "But let's see how long you can keep up this little act."

(Y/n) let out a low growl, her eight eyes blinking in rage.

With a speed that defied the limits of human capability, (Y/n) moved with mundane grace that seemed to blur the lines between reality and illusion. Her every step was a dance of agility and spider movements, her lithe form weaving through the darkness with a fluidity that left Law and Doflamingo alike in awe.

Doflamingo's laughter rang out like a chilling echo of the chaos that enveloped them, his every movement a calculated dance of provocation and malice. "Not bad," he drawled, his voice laced with a twisted mix of amusement and disdain. "But let's see if you can keep this up, my dear. The night is young, and there's still so much left to play for."

"You won't win," Law retorted.  "And I'll make sure of it."

The moment those words escaped his lips, (Y/n) unleashed a ferocity that seemed to pierce through the darkness that threatened to consume her. The force of her blow sending Doflamingo hurtling through the air with a velocity that left the very walls of the desolate chamber trembling in its wake.

The sound of impact reverberated through the room like a thunderclap, the force of the collision sending a shockwave that rippled through the air with a tangible intensity. Doflamingo's body crashed against the far end of the room, his form skidding across the ground with a violent force that seemed to underscore the brutal reality of the battle that raged around them.

Law's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched the scene unfold before him, his every instinct urging him to remain vigilant in the face of the chaos that threatened to consume them all. His grip on his Kikoku tightened.

With a synchronized precision that spoke of years of training and camaraderie, Law's squad burst into the room, their every movement guided by an unwavering determination to bring an end to the chaos that had enveloped them. Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo took up strategic positions, their weapons drawn and ready as they surrounded Doflamingo, the air crackling with an electric tension that seemed to underscore the gravity of the moment.

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