Chapter 23: Sundance

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Law quirked an eyebrow at the peculiar amalgamation in (Y/n)'s hands. "A parasol, really?"

"It's not just a parasol, Law! Feast your eyes upon the Suncrest Flux," (Y/n) countered with a playful glare, showcasing the innovative hybrid. "Imagine the elegance of a parasol, coupled with the precision of a sniper rifle and the punch of a shotgun. Now, doesn't it exude sheer coolness?"

Law maintained his stoic expression, unmoved by the elaborate introduction. "Regardless of the embellishments, it still resembles a parasol, (Y/n)."

Undeterred, (Y/n) persisted, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "But Law, it's not merely a parasol; it's a versatile masterpiece! Picture yourself in the heat of battle-sniping foes from a distance, seamlessly transitioning to a shotgun for close encounters. Can't you appreciate the dynamic nature of Suncrest Flux?"

Law observed the contraption with a raised eyebrow. "Suncrest Flux, huh? Sounds more like a fancy name for a beach umbrella with extra steps."

(Y/n) chuckled, twirling the hybrid weapon gracefully. "Come on, Law, imagine the possibilities! You're strolling through a sunny day, enjoying the scenery, and suddenly, bam! Sniper mode engaged."

Law crossed his arms, unimpressed. "It's a bit flashy for someone like you, don't you think? I prefer subtlety."

"But subtlety is overrated!" (Y/n) argued, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "And when the sun sets, this baby turns into a shotgun for close encounters. Dual functionality at its finest!"

Law sighed, shaking his head. "I still don't see the practicality. What if it rains? Or worse, what if you accidentally shoot yourself with that shotgun feature?"

"(Y/n)" smirked confidently, "That's where the Flux part comes in. Waterproof, shockproof, and idiot-proof! It's the ultimate all-weather weapon."

Law remained unconvinced, "I prefer my sword. Simple, effective, and doesn't try to multitask as a fashion accessory."

"(Y/n)" pouted, "But where's the fun in that? Picture yourself at a formal event, surrounded by enemies. You unfurl the parasol, and bam! You're the life of the party, with a hidden arsenal."

Law arched an eyebrow, "Life of the party with a parasol? I doubt it."

"(Y/n)" grinned, "Trust me, Law, you're underestimating the power of style. Suncrest Flux is not just a weapon; it's a statement!"

Law sighed again, clearly unconvinced by (Y/n)'s enthusiasm. "I'll stick to my swords. They may lack flair, but at least they get the job done."

(Y/n) playfully nudged Law, "One day, you'll appreciate the genius of Suncrest Flux. Mark my words, Captain."

"Enough," declared Law, "We face a significant event ahead. To succeed, prevent your recklessness from overpowering you."

"Hai~ Hai~," (Y/n) responded with a nod, opening Suncrest Flux as rain began to fall. To her delight, Law gently took the parasol from her, demonstrating unexpected gallantry as he shielded both of them. The inventor couldn't help but commend his chivalrous act.

"So?" (Y/n) prompted.

"So what?" Law replied with a teasing smile.

"Isn't it remarkably convenient-"

"Stop it, (Y/n)-ya," Law interrupted, curtailing her before she could continue raving about her peculiar parasol. "I don't want to hear another word about your invention."

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