Chapter 06: Sunstorm

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Law's deadly glares were fixed on the sheepish inventor, and his irritation was palpable. He watched her with a stern expression, his patience clearly worn thin. Meanwhile, (Y/n) raised her wounded hands, showing them to him with a mixture of embarrassment and fear.

"Help," she mumbled, her voice trembling slightly under the weight of Law's glare. Her antics had landed her in yet another predicament, and she was acutely aware of the captain's disapproval. It was a moment of both vulnerability and silent plea for assistance, as she hoped that despite his irritation, Law would come to her aid.

Law's frustration reached its peak as he continued to glare at (Y/n), and he began to jab her cheeks with each word of his scolding.

"You're - an - inventor!" he emphasized, his voice laced with exasperation. "I expect you to know the basic safety of creating such inventions! And you're showing yourself to me with audacity!? Get the hell out of my infirmary!"

In response, (Y/n) tried to protest, "What?! No! I can't continue my work with these hands!"

But Law was resolute, his tone unwavering. "Even if I tend to your hands," he retorted, "you're stubborn enough to disobey me and continue your work with those wounded hands! So I prefer not to!"

Their heated exchange revealed the clash of their personalities-Law's pragmatic and protective nature versus (Y/n)'s unwavering determination to pursue her inventions even at the cost of her well-being. It was a moment of conflict and frustration between the two.

(Y/n) frowned, her cheeks still tingling from Law's jabs. "You don't understand, Law," she insisted, her voice tinged with frustration. "This project is important, and I can't afford to stop working on it now. It could change everything."

Law's stern expression softened slightly as he regarded her determination. "I get that you're passionate about your work," he conceded, "but it's not worth risking your health."

(Y/n) sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I just wish you could see how important this is to me."

Law's gaze softened further, and he let out a resigned sigh. "Fine, I'll tend to your hands," he relented, his concern for her well-being winning over his frustration. "But promise me you'll take it easy for a while."

(Y/n) nodded, grateful for his understanding. "I promise, Captain."

As Law carefully tended to (Y/n)'s wounded hands, she couldn't help but notice that his touch was surprisingly gentle and his hands felt unexpectedly soft. A warmth spread through her chest, and she felt a small blush tinting her cheeks. It was a moment of unexpected intimacy, and her heart fluttered as she appreciated his care and concern for her well-being. It was a stark contrast to his usual stoicism.

(Y/n) couldn't help but warmly smile at her captain as he tended to her wounded hands. "Thank you, Law," she expressed her gratitude, her eyes holding a hint of appreciation for his care and patience.

Law met (Y/n)'s warm smile with a nod, his gaze briefly locking with hers. There was a flicker of something in his eyes, an emotion that he couldn't quite put into words. Law withdrew his touch, "You're welcome, (Y/n). Just be more careful next time."

His words held a mix of concern and a hint of something else, a sentiment that he couldn't quite articulate. Despite his stoic demeanor, it was becoming increasingly clear that the inventor of the Heart Pirates was making a lasting impression on their captain's heart.

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