Chapter 31: Sunshower

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They say that the genius often thinks and speaks in metaphors and analogies, in little stories rather than complexity, but as one who does this, (Y/n) wonder if they have it backwards. (Y/n) wonder if those who grow up with analogy and metaphor are simply able to grasp the concept beneath the words more deeply and summon their intuition, their instinctual intelligence with greater ease. After all, if two people are trying to complete a puzzle, yet one uses simpler pieces, they will be faster and be more successful. So perhaps the initial brain is quite ordinary, yet as they make the choice to engage with analogy, metaphor and intuition the genius element accelerates.

(Y/n) stands so still, eyes following the bird in flight. She watches as children do, with that look of love and awe. Her eyes stay with the bird, the beating wings capturing her mind in the most calming of ways, the same way soft waves on the beach do. It's as if she's in love with nature, with life itself, and she pray this life nurtures that sense in her, keeps her as whole as she was born.

But her assumptions couldn't have been more mistaken under her father's watchful eye. He was nothing short of a beast, a tyrant—any monstrous epithet one could think of would aptly describe Donquixote Doflamingo. She found herself shackled, a heavy lock fastened around her neck as if she were nothing more than a dog subjected to Doflamingo's harsh training methods.

Each day under his control was a day spent in fear and subjugation, her every movement monitored and every breath measured. Doflamingo's regime was cruel and unrelenting, designed to break her spirit and enforce his absolute authority. The heavy metal at her neck was a constant reminder of her lack of freedom, a cruel tool to remind her of her place in his twisted world. As she endured the rigorous and often brutal training sessions, she couldn't help but dream of escape, of a life far away from the oppressive shadow of her father.

She was also just a child.

A fucking child.

She was a prodigy, exceptionally gifted, and her father made certain to exploit her intellect to its fullest potential. Donquixote Doflamingo, recognizing her unique capabilities, orchestrated rigorous mental challenges and complex problem-solving exercises to sharpen her mind. His intent was clear: to mold her into a formidable strategist who could navigate the treacherous waters of their world with the same cunning and ruthlessness that he did. Every task he assigned was specifically designed to hone her skills, ensuring that she could not only keep up with but also exceed the demands of his ambitious schemes.

From the young age of six, (Y/n) Donquixote had already demonstrated an extraordinary skills for engineering and tactics, managed to create an army of robots for her father. Her creations ranged from sophisticated weapons to  gadgets and formidable robots, each adding significantly to the might of her father's forces. Despite her young age, (Y/n) have influence and power comparable to that of Donquixote Doflamingo himself. However, her genius mind came at the cost of her personal freedom. Bound by the expectations and controls imposed by her father, she remained a prisoner to his ambitions, her own desires perpetually eclipsed by his domineering will.

One day, (Y/n) encountered a boy roughly her own age.

Although they never engaged in conversation, (Y/n) and the boy frequently exchanged meaningful glances whenever the opportunity arose.

To her, he seemed extraordinarily lucky. He was one of the lucky few, she thought, because he had the rare privilege of being under the care of the kindest and most genuine member of the Donquixote family.

She was under the harsh rule of Doflamingo, but the boy was guided by Rosinante Donquixote. (Y/n) found herself envying him, wishing that it was Rosinante, with his kinder heart and gentle ways, who was her guardian instead of Doflamingo. Her heart ached for the fatherly warmth and protection that Rosinante offered, so starkly different from the cold, tyrannical oversight she endured.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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