Halloween Special: Sunfright

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Lieutenant! Law x HalfZombie! Reader

Zombie AU

(Halloween Special: Sunfright — Part 3)


As Law rushed through the decaying corridors, his footsteps echoing through the dilapidated expanse, an unspoken sense of urgency pulsed through him. The weight of his every movement was a poignant reminder of the unyielding anxiety that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, his every breath a silent plea for respite from the encroaching chaos that threatened to consume them all.

With each fleeting moment that passed, the memory of their earlier argument lingered like a shadow over his thoughts, its bitter taste a poignant reminder of the rift that had festered between them amidst the relentless chaos. Regret surged through him in waves, its bitter sting a testament to the unforgiving nature of their shared turmoil.

Wait for me, (Y/n), please. Hang in there.

As he navigated through the crumbling maze, his hands trembled with remorse that mirrored the fear within his chest. The weight of (Y/n)'s absence bore down  on him, as if it's slowing him down due to how heavy his regrets for making her feel that her sacrifices and efforts aren't acknowledged and appreciated.

He regret every word that escaped his mouth.

Amidst the flickering shadows that danced across the decaying walls, Law grappled with the fading echoes of his own anger, Law's hand tightened around the suitcase, his fingers digging into the cool metal with an unspoken urgency that mirrored the turmoil within his chest. The weight of the precious contents within sent a surge of unyielding determination coursing through him, each step a calculated dance of unspoken devotion as he navigated through the decaying expanse.

"Fuck," He mumbled when his communication device doesn't have any connection of (Y/n)'s device, "Where is she — Where is she — Where is she?!" He yelled.

Law's heart thudded in his chest as he took a sharp turn around the decaying corridor, the staccato rhythm of his footsteps echoing through the silent expanse. As he approached the room where he had hoped to find (Y/n), his pulse quickened with urgency, his every breath a silent plea for her presence.

But as he pushed open the door and stepped into the decaying room, the shadows danced across the empty expanse, their haunting silence a chilling echo of the encroaching emptiness that surrounded him. The weight of her absence settled over him like a shroud.

Law's eyes widened in horror as he stepped further into the desolate room, the weight of the suitcase slipping from his trembling fingers to clatter against the cold, decaying floor. His breath caught in his throat as his gaze settled upon the shattered remnants of what had once been unassuming eggs, their cracked exteriors a chilling testament to the unholy force that had taken root within them.

The hatched eggs of the Verocima Plaga spiders remained in the room but there's no sign of his lover.

From the shadows, the crackling of a radio filled the desolate room, its haunting echo reverberating through the decaying expanse. Donquixote Doflamingo's voice sliced through the static, its chilling resonance a haunting reminder of the encroaching darkness that loomed over them all.

"Well, well, Trafalgar," Doflamingo drawled, his voice laced with a chilling mix of amusement and unspoken satisfaction. "It seems you've lost something rather precious, haven't you?"

The static crackled with a malevolent energy that mirrored the force that pulsed through the very fabric of the room, Law's jaw clenched at the sound of the familiar voice, the weight of Doflamingo's taunts settling like a leaden weight in the pit of his stomach.

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