Chapter 15: Sunbathe

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"Though you may admire the beauty of the sun, approaching too closely will burn you  — He will burn you."

Burn me?

As (Y/n) flutter her eyes open, she lay in the quiet confines of her room, Svargo's haunting words seemed to reverberate within the depths of her consciousness, leaving behind an unsettling sense of foreboding. The vivid imagery of his caution lingered in her thoughts, casting a shadow over the warmth and tenderness that had characterized her recent exchange with Law.

She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled within her, a subtle reminder that the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic robot and the untold truths it held were not without their share of danger. The metaphorical warning of the sun's beauty, enticing yet perilous in its proximity, served as a chilling reminder that delving too deeply into the unknown could lead to unforeseen consequences.

As (Y/n) grappled with the weight of Svargo's words, she found herself caught between the allure of discovery and the looming specter of peril that seemed to shadow her every step. The enigmatic nature of her dreams and the cryptic warnings that had threaded their way into her subconscious left her yearning for answers yet wary of the potential consequences that awaited her.

As they continued their slow progression through the ship's corridors, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her, eager to assess the status of her formidable creation, Apollo's Flare. Turri's presence at her side served as a quiet reassurance, a reminder that even amidst the uncertainties that surrounded them, her loyal companion remained a steadfast ally in her quest for knowledge and discovery.

As (Y/n) leaned on Turri for support, the small companion dutifully adjusted its stance, ensuring that she could navigate the corridor without exacerbating her injuries. A sense of gratitude washed over her as she felt the steadying presence of her loyal companion, their unspoken bond serving as a source of solace amidst the lingering discomfort that still clung to her.

"What time is it, Turri?" she inquired, her voice carrying a blend of curiosity and a hint of anticipation. The dim light filtering through the corridor cast a soft glow on their surroundings, lending a sense of serenity to their movements as they made their way through the ship's interior.

Turri emitted a series of soft beeps, a sign of its processing as it accessed the ship's internal systems to retrieve the requested information. After a brief pause, a holographic display materialized before (Y/n), the time blinking in vibrant hues before her. "It's early evening, (Y/n)," Turri relayed, its synthesized voice carrying a gentle warmth that mirrored its concern for her well-being. "The crew is preparing for the evening meal, and Law has requested that you rest and refrain from exerting yourself."

(Y/n) nodded in acknowledgment, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she took in the information. "Thank you, Turri," she murmured, her voice laced with appreciation. "I'll make sure to follow Law's orders and take it easy for now. We'll join the crew for the meal once I'm feeling a bit more refreshed."

Turri emitted a series of soft chirps, its display flickering in a show of support as it accompanied (Y/n) down the corridor.

"What is the status of Apollo's Flare after the orbital strike? Give me the statistics," she requested, her voice carrying a blend of politeness and a hint of excitement. The memory of the strike's impact still lingered in her mind, the power of her invention having been unleashed with a force that had reverberated throughout the ship.

Turri hummed softly, its compact form emanating a soft glow as it processed the requested data. A holographic interface materialized before (Y/n), displaying a comprehensive analysis of Apollo's Flare, the statistics scrolling across the projection with meticulous precision. "The orbital strike resulted in a minor decrease in the secondary power cells, but the core mechanisms remain stable and fully functional," Turri relayed, its synthesized voice conveying a sense of efficiency and accuracy. "The impact trajectory remained within the expected parameters, with no discernible alterations to the primary targeting system."

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