Chapter 17: Sunshade

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"Are you an Imperial Scholar?"

"Yes, it's Granger (Y/n)."

"Your actual name?"

(Y/n) blinked in confusion at the receptionist's inquiry. "Granger D. Sunny (Y/n)," she reluctantly revealed, a hint of discomfort accompanying the admission.

"I asked for your real name."

"Does it even matter, Miss? The head professor is well-acquainted with me, and I've been granted the privilege to explore the forbidden halls since my promotion to an Imperial," (Y/n) explained, seeking to justify her position.

"Real name," the receptionist insisted, mirroring (Y/n)'s stubbornness. Despite understanding the receptionist's role, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel the pressure to divulge more than she intended.

"I've already provided my real name, Miss. Why are we even discussing this? I presented my I.D. as an Imperial Scholar - isn't that sufficient proof to allow me access to the halls?" (Y/n) expressed her frustration, fully aware that the conversation with the receptionist was a futile use of time.

"It appears there's a discrepancy in the Imperial Scholar records. Your first names are similar, but the last names are different. Could it be that you forgot about a name change?"

"A name change? There's been no change," (Y/n) asserted, a sense of pride evident in her voice. She held the surname Granger with esteem and had no intention of concealing it.

"Alright, your academic records and documentation have been thoroughly examined and verified by the head professor. Still, I'm puzzled by the discrepancy in your name."

"Could it be a malfunction in your system?"

"I suppose," the receptionist muttered, visibly perplexed by the unexpected name change in the record of an Imperial Scholar. The personal information and academic records of Imperial Scholars are highly guarded by the Archippo Museum, making it all the more confusing for the receptionist to encounter such an anomaly.

As (Y/n) secured the access pass and prepared to venture into the forbidden halls of the Archippo Museum, the receptionist, with a stern expression, leaned forward to issue a reminder. "Imperial Scholar Granger (Y/n), before you proceed, remember the rules for entering the forbidden halls. No unauthorized removal of artifacts, no disturbances to the exhibits, and absolutely no interference with ongoing research projects. Failure to comply may result in immediate expulsion."

(Y/n) nodded attentively, acknowledging the reminder. "Understood. I'll adhere to the rules."

The receptionist's gaze lingered for a moment, emphasizing the seriousness of the museum's regulations. "These halls hold artifacts of immense value, both historical and cultural. Treat them with the utmost respect."

As (Y/n) ventured deeper into the forbidden halls of the Archippo Museum, a hallowed silence enveloped the air. Ancient artifacts adorned the walls, each whispering stories of bygone eras. The soft echo of her footsteps resonated in the cavernous space.

"Such a familiar feeling, wouldn't you say, Turri?"

Turri emitted a soft hum, hovering beside her. "Indeed, Master."

"Law? I'm in," she reported in a hushed tone through the earpiece, the air around her charged with anticipation.

A brief moment of static ensued before Law's composed voice resonated in her ear, "Well done. Now, focus on gathering information. Despite your status as an Imperial Scholar, maintain a low profile. We can't afford anyone discovering your hidden intentions."

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