Chapter 22: Sunseeker

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(Y/n)'s face comically burst into fireworks. "C-court me? You're going to court me? What? Wait—! Are you serious?" Her eyes widened in a delightful mix of surprise and confusion, struggling to grasp the unexpected turn the conversation had taken.

Law, ever stoic, only looked at her with a serious expression, his features giving away nothing.

(Y/n) panics, "I mean, court? Like, with judges and all that legal stuff?"

Law raised an eyebrow, "Do you lack any sleep or what?"

(Y/n) took a deep breath, her mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "Okay, um, how do we even begin? I've never been in a courtroom before. Do I need a lawyer? Should I start practicing my 'I object!' lines?" She attempted a nervous chuckle because of the deadpanned look Law is giving her.

Law rolled his eyes, "Not that kind of court, Idiot." he clarified, his tone measured.

Relief washed over (Y/n) as she processed his response. "Oh, thank goodness! I was starting to envision a courtroom drama in our future." She chuckled, the tension dissipating into a more lighthearted atmosphere.

As the conversation continued, (Y/n) couldn't help but tease Law about the unexpected choice of words. "So, what's the verdict, Your Honor? Am I found guilty of stealing your heart, or are we declaring a mistrial?"

Law responded with a smirk. "I suppose time will tell."

"So, Captain Law, let me get this straight," she began, feigning seriousness. "You're actually asking for my permission to court me? How traditional of you!"

"Tradition has its merits," he began, his gaze focused yet introspective. "In a world where chaos is often the norm, adhering to certain traditions provides a sense of stability and continuity. It's about valuing the principles that have stood the test of time."

He paused, as if carefully choosing his words. "Courting, in its traditional sense, is more than a formality. It's a deliberate and respectful approach to building a connection. Taking the time to understand someone, to appreciate their nuances, is a foundation for something meaningful."

He glanced at (Y/n), his gaze softening. "So, when I speak of courting, it's not just a word; it's a reflection of my belief in investing time and effort into relationships. Call it old-fashioned, if you will, but I find value in the timeless rituals that define genuine connections."

Law, caught off guard by her teasing, raised an eyebrow but didn't lose his composed demeanor. "In other words, it's a matter of respect," he replied, his tone slightly amused.

"I—" Law stopped mid sentence.

His eyes slightly widened upon seeing the way (Y/n) looked at him—an intricate blend of adornment, affection, and admiration. The warmth emanating from her gaze seemed to caress his very being, a gentle touch that resonated deeper than he expected. The intensity of her regard struck a chord within him, a silent melody that echoed in the chambers of his heart.

The play of emotions in her eyes was like a canvas painted with the hues of genuine connection. Adornment, in the subtle appreciation of his presence; affection, in the tender glow that enveloped him; and admiration, in the spark that danced within the depths of her gaze.

As he absorbed the richness of her expression, Law felt the burning flame inside his heart intensify. The flame, fueled by a mixture of emotions he seldom allowed himself to acknowledge, flickered with a newfound brightness.

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