Chapter 12: Sunbeam

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As (Y/n) tossed the blanket away, beads of sweat glistening on her brow, she let out an exasperated sigh, the intense heat enveloping the room with an oppressive fervor. "So hot! So hot!" she exclaimed, her drowsiness dissipating with each passing moment as she grappled with the discomfort of the sweltering atmosphere.

"Turri," she called out, the urgency in her voice mirrored in the swift materialization of her small robotic companion by her side. "What's happening? Why is it so hot in here?" she inquired, her tone laced with a hint of concern as she sought to understand the source of the sudden rise in temperature. "And what's the status of the Polar Tang?" she added, her eyes flickering with a blend of curiosity and apprehension as she awaited Turri's response.

Turri's cyclopean eye flickered with a series of diagnostic lights, her mechanical hum punctuating the stillness of the room as she processed the incoming data. "The ship's cooling system seems to have malfunctioned," she reported, her voice a soothing blend of artificial calm. "It appears to be a technical issue within the central cooling unit," she continued, her robotic form emanating an aura of unwavering focus as she relayed the information to (Y/n). "The temperature control is currently offline. The crew is working on repairs, but it may take some time to resolve the issue." She addef

(Y/n) nodded, her mind already racing with potential solutions as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Alright, let's get to work. We need to fix this before it gets any worse," she instructed, her voice laced with a sense of determination as she prepared to address the technical challenge that lay before them. With Turri by her side, they set to work, (Y/n)'s determination serving as a beacon of hope amidst the stifling heat that threatened to engulf them.

Determined to address the ship's malfunctioning environmental systems, (Y/n) swiftly dressed in her trademark attire, exuding a sense of poised professionalism even amidst the ship's current turmoil. Her sleek black pencil skirt accentuated her form, the crisp white button-up blouse lending a sense of elegant simplicity to her ensemble. The subtle contrast of her black stockings and vibrant red heels added a touch of flair to her sophisticated look, while the neatly fastened black tie on her collar emphasized her unwavering commitment to both style and efficiency.

Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, she adjusted the collar of her blouse with a satisfied nod, her keen attention to detail evident in every meticulous gesture. "Well, I can't have myself looking haggard as well," she remarked with a playful grin, a nod to the importance of maintaining composure even in the face of unexpected challenges. With a final check of her appearance, she left her quarters, her determined footsteps echoing with purpose as she made her way towards the source of the ship's current predicament.

"What's the current status, Shachi?" (Y/n) inquired, her voice carrying a note of urgency as she surveyed the immediate area, her hand instinctively finding its place on her hips. With a sense of determination etched on her features, she awaited the latest report, her gaze focused and her posture reflecting a quiet resolve.

Shachi, the crew member responsible for the ship's systems maintenance, glanced up from his task at hand, his expression mirroring a mix of concern and determination. "We're making progress, but the malfunction seems to be more complex than we initially anticipated," he reported, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "The central cooling unit is experiencing a critical malfunction, and we're still trying to identify the source of the issue."

(Y/n) nodded in understanding, her mind already racing with potential solutions as she sought to assist in any way possible. "Have we checked the auxiliary cooling systems? They might provide a temporary solution until we can address the central unit," she suggested, her voice carrying a practical tone as she considered the best course of action. "We need to ensure the crew's safety and the integrity of the ship," she emphasized, her words resonating with a sense of responsibility that defined her role as both a valued crew member and an esteemed inventor.

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