Chapter 21: Sunlithe

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Warning: This chapter contains Megalohydrothalassophobia ‼️‼️‼️


Granger (Y/n) is not a devil fruit user.

However, the inventor found herself sinking into the depths of the water, an experience foreign and unsettling. The abyss seemed to have no end, and the weight of the water pressed against her, creating a sense of both weightlessness and confinement.

As she descended into the unknown, her surroundings became a dark, mysterious world where the play of light and shadows danced with the currents. Her eyes, initially closed against the pressure, slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the dimness of the underwater realm.

Deeper she sank, the water swallowing her presence. The ability to swim upward was stripped away by the relentless pressure, leaving her with a sense of vulnerability in the vast, uncharted depths. The only source of illumination came from the ethereal light of the moon filtering through the water's surface.

Despite the initial disorientation, a strange tranquility enveloped (Y/n) as she continued her descent. The underwater world, with its muted sounds and distorted perspectives, offered a unique and surreal experience. (Y/n) found herself caught between the beauty and the eeriness of this underwater domain, a realm where the ordinary rules of the surface world no longer applied.

"Donquixote's daughter, How surprising." Someone spoke.

In the dimness of the underwater abyss, a glint of red light caught (Y/n)'s attention, prompting a sharp gasp that escaped her lips. Bubbles formed around her as she exhaled, creating a surreal dance of shimmering orbs in the water. Her eyes widened in astonishment as the source of the red light revealed itself.

Just beneath her, in the depths where sunlight struggled to penetrate, a colossal cyclopean robot loomed. Its mechanical frame, adorned with mysterious glyphs and symbols, exuded an otherworldly aura. The red glow emanating from its singular eye painted an eerie ambiance in the underwater darkness.

"But which one of the Donquixote Brothers is your true father?" Another person inquired. "Ain't that intriguing, Granger (Y/n) — or should I call you Donquixote (Y/n)?"

The depths of the ocean, where Svargo resided, accentuated the megalohydrothalassophobia that gripped (Y/n)'s senses. As she floated in the abyss, surrounded by the vast expanse of water stretching into darkness, the weight of the ocean pressed against her, emphasizing its unimaginable depth.

The muted sounds of the underwater world became an eerie symphony, echoing through the vast emptiness. The gentle sway of seaweed and the occasional movement of aquatic creatures took on an otherworldly quality, heightening the sense of isolation and the unknown.

"I'm unfamiliar with any of them," she asserted silently. "And I have no intention of acquainting myself with any of them."

Svargo's colossal form, partially illuminated by its own red glow, cast looming shadows that played tricks on (Y/n)'s imagination. The inherent fear of the abyss, fear of unexpected creature might attack her intensified as she contemplated the sheer magnitude of the ocean's depths.

Bubbles escaping from her mouth echoed in the silent expanse, a stark reminder of the isolation and the almost oppressive quietness that enveloped her. The sensation of being suspended in the water, with no discernible reference points, amplified the primal fear of the unknown lurking beneath.

Can't breathe! Can't breathe! Air! I need air!

"(Y/n)-san? (Y/n)-san!"

"(Y/n)-chan! What are you doing?!"

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