5. Noona

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Yoona got back to the apartment in the evening. The apartment was a mess the way she left it in the morning in a hurry without cleaning it. Grandpa got her dropped at the apartment with his driver...

She got changed and got to work... She cleaned the bedroom removing all the dried flower patels from the room from the last night... She set her clothes in the wardrobe... Filled the fridge with all Banchan (side dishes) Ajumeoni packed her when she was leaving... Now only one matter was left to handle... She wanted to move the study table from bedroom to the living room... Living room was more open and brighter... An environment she likes to work...

She moved the chair in the living room... Now she had to move the table... The table was pretty heavy... She was able to drag it a few inches when she felt exhausted... She took a break... Her forehead was getting sweaty due to the force she used to move the table... Regaining her strength she pushed the table again, she managed to bring it to the bedroom door... Thats when doorbell rang...

She was not expecting anybody... Who could this be... confused she moved to the apartment door... Looked into the security camera... It was Chang Hoo ringing the bell... She opened the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo Mam..." He bowed to her... "Hyung sent me to deliver something..." He put his hand in his pocket to bring out the delivery.

"Come inside..." Thats when Yoona moved aside to give him way to enter...

He followed her into the apartment... He could see the study table stuck in bedroom door from the entrance clearly...

He came in and stood in the middle of the living room... Yoona was in the Kitchen taking something out of the fridge...

He patiently waited for her to return...

She emerged from the kitchen holding a glass of fizzy juice...

"Why are you still standing? Have a seat and have the drink..." She placed the glass on the coffee table...

He sat down... Picked up the glass slowly sipping the cold fizzy drink...

Yoona was sitting right Infront of him across the table...

He placed the half-filled glass back on table... Brought out the bank card from his coat... Placed it on the table pushing it forward towards her... "Hyung asked me to deliver you this..."

Yoona looked at the golden card shining under the living room light...

"I think I clearly told your Hyung... I didn't need any money from him..." Glancing at the card she said in a serious tone...

"Ma'am I just did what Hyung asked me to... Please take it..." He said in a low voice almost requesting... Getting entangled in their feud was the last thing he wanted to happen...

"Can you please not call me that?" she interrupted...

"Ye? (What?)" He couldn't understand what she meant...

"Don't call me Ma'am... You can call me by my name..."

"That doesn't seem appropriate... I can't call you by your name... I won't be comfortable doing that..." He hesitantly refused...

"Do you have an elder sister?" she asked.

"No... I only have a younger brother..." He responded with a formal smile.

"You can consider me your elder sister... You can call me Noona(elder sister)" She was smiling too... A soft, kind smile...

"Arraseyo..." He agreed... "But I have a condition..." He picked the drink glass back up... "You will ask me for anything you need my help with, anytime... I won't like my Noona to struggle alone..." This time his smile was more friendly...

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