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The road near the Han River embankment was tapped as a crime scene... Yoona slammed shut the car rushing towards the scene... Lee Jong Suk drove her there... wearing his bucket hat and face mask he stayed in the car leaning against his driving seat... Yoona was too disoriented to drive so he decided to bring her here... He knew he wouldn't be allowed near the crime scene so he stayed back seeing Yoona showing her ID to the policeman guarding the crime scene... The policeman saluted her raising the yellow tape letting her pass... She was wearing her new white whole heel slip-ons... The one Jong Suk brought for her from Japan as he saw her not getting rid of the old ones which were destroyed in the alleged accident...

Maybe these slip-ons are the problem bringing calamity to Yoona...

The Police Officials were zipping up the body bag resting on the stretcher on the concrete base of the bridge above their heads...

Yoona approached the stretcher to look at the soaking-white dead face of Eunbyeol... 

Eunbyeol was gone!!!

Looking at her face in a haze Yoona was recalling the time they spent together... 

Her smiling face... The courage she took to be her witness to help her obtain an arrest warrant for Park Min Jun... The promise she took from Yoona that Yoona will never back down from this case... The way she risked her life to get her reinstated...

Squatting next to the body bag she wanted to extend her hand to touch her face for one last time... A tear slipped down her face...

She knew better... 

That body was evidence... She can't touch her...

"Unnie..." She whispered in agony as her eyes became foggy... "I can't keep you safe..." This thought was ripping her heart as she started sobbing all over again...

"Geomsanim..." Inspector Choi pressed her shoulders... Standing next to her he let Yoona cry...

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry Unnie..." She was constantly repeating sitting at the river bank in loss...

Police officials had already taken the body with them...

"They are saying... this may be a suicide..." Inspector Choi said from behind sighing...

"They are lying!!!" Yoona snapped getting up on her feet... "Eunbyeol-shi can never do this to herself..." She hissed...

"I know... That's what I want to say... I saw zip tie marks on her wrists... There were stones tied around her ankles... someone made sure she couldn't swim out... Even there are injuries around her lips..." Inspector Choi sighed...

"That bastard Park Min Jun!!! It's him!!!" Clenching her fists Yoona gritted in hatred...

Inspector Choi nodded... He knew that much...

"Where are they taking her for the autopsy?" Yoona asked looking at the calm water surface... The calmness of death...

"Seoul National University..." Inspector Choi uttered following her gaze...

"We have to make sure Park Min Jun can't get the autopsy manipulated..." Yoona turned towards Inspector Choi stating grimly...

"Don't worry... I have someone I know in SNU... I have asked him to volunteer for this autopsy... He is rigid with rules... He won't let the manipulation happen..." Inspector Choi retorted looking at her face wet with tears...

Yoona nodded wiping her face...

Gulping down the further tears she remembered Nora was still missing... 

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