40. She... She is my wife...

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The courtroom was buzzing... There were dozens of reporters gathering around in the gallery... Associate Ji was looking at the courtroom door anxiously waiting for Yoona... The hearing was going to be started in 15 minutes and Yoona was nowhere to be seen... She tried calling her but she was not picking up...

Park Min Jun and his attorney were settled on the defense stand...

"Yoona-shi has some strong witnesses with her this time... I am afraid it will not be easy to disregard her witnesses that easily... She can have an upper hand..." Ji Ju Won whispered in Park Min Jun's ear...

Park Min Jun hid his face with his palm before speaking in Ji Ju Won's ear... "I heard... The cases Prosecutors are looking into at the time of their DEATH get buried along with them?" He whispered smirking...

Ji Ju Won looked at him wide-eyed...

"She has been taken care of..." He pressed his lips hiding his satisfied smile...

Ji Ju Won shook his head in disbelief and horror... He was baffled by the extent Park Min Jun could go for his victory...

Jong Suk looked at his watch and then at Yoona's worried team member sitting in the gallery... He turned around to look at the courtroom entrance... 

Where was she?

Associate Ji called Assistant Ahn to ask if Yoona came to the office... She didn't...

5 minutes and the trial hearing was going to start...

Associate Ji dialed Inspector Choi with her sinking heart... 

Something was wrong... Very wrong...



Yoona was getting ready standing in front of the mirror... Pinning her hair up she was scrutinizing her reflection... She was wearing a black ruffled collar blouse with dark brown slacks... She was emitting a confident professional aura... The exact thing which she wanted... She heard her phone chiming while applying the lipgloss...

She moved to her bed, picked up her phone, and unlocked its screen...

There was a new message from an unknown number...

"I heard you were looking for a black notebook!!! Come meet me here" the message read followed by a pinned location... 

Black Notebook... Han Ji Hee's notebook!!!

Yoona was desperate for that notebook these days...

She picked up her trench coat, car keys, and briefcase hastily leaving her room...

The trial was in one and a half hours... She could stop by the sent location on her way if she skipped stopping by the Prosecutor's Office...

She texted Associate Ji that she would reach the courthouse directly...

After driving for about 25 minutes she halted her car in front of an under-construction building...

Her guts churned... She was not having a good feeling about it... Biting her lips she was contemplating her decision to move ahead... Why was it feeling like a trap?

Tapping her phone in her hand she unlocked her phone screen... She didn't know what made her do this... She pinned her current location and sent it to Inspector Choi...

She put down her white whole heel slip on on the dirt track in front of the building... Being anxious she forgot to put on her trench coat, locking her car she entered the building...

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