37. Anonymous

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He was constantly tossing and turning in his bed... He didn't know what was bothering him... Yoona's absence from his room or the image of her scar which was plastered in his brain...

He sat up getting frustrated... That scar didn't look too old... So she must not have had it before she came to live with them at the villa 8 years ago... And the way she is dear to Hal-abeoji, there was no way that He couldn't get to hear about any accident or surgery she went through... Then, when did she get that scar, and how? He was confused...

He got up from his bed going out, he was suddenly feeling stuffy in his room... He was thinking about taking a stroll in the garden after drinking water from the kitchen... Ajumeoni was switching off the living room lights before going to her bed when she noticed him walking into the living room...

"Do you need anything, Young Master?" She asked

"A glass of water..." He responded...

Ajumeoni nodded and went to the kitchen, he followed her to the kitchen fidgeting his lips...

"Ajumeoni..." He called out leaning against the countertop...

"Ye?" She asked filling the glass with water

"Did Yoona ever go through surgery or an accident?" He asked holding the glass that she extended to him...

Ajumeoni took a moment... "Not that I know of... Why? Is Agashi alright?" She suddenly became anxious...

"Yeah... She is fine... Don't worry... I had no reason to ask..." He smiled at her sipping the water from the glass drowning in his thoughts...

So Ajumeoni doesn't know as well... Does Hal-abeoji know? Can he ask him? No!!! That will be awkward, discussing the scar on his wife's body with his grandpa... "Bad idea!!!" He thought


Yoona was pacing around her room... Chief texted her to tune in to any news outlet as he was going to announce the Disciplinary Committee decision in a press conference... She had no idea why the Prosecutor's Office wanted to break this news to her via press conference and not personally...

She was streaming the live broadcast of a news outlet on her phone... Her guts were churning with anxiety...

The press conference started, and the chief walked to the dice full of microphones stacked over each other in front of him

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The press conference started, and the chief walked to the dice full of microphones stacked over each other in front of him... He adjusted a microphone to his face and placed the document in front of him...

"This conference has been organized to publicize the results of the Special Disciplinary Committee on Prosecutor Cha Yoona drugging one of the top celebrities of South Korea, Mr. Lee Jong Suk four years ago..." Chief was narrating what he pre-wrote on a page to say in the press conference... Cameras were constantly clattering...

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