164 No More Waiting for News

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While Jing He had trouble extracting himself out of his obsessive thoughts, the object of his fervor was having a nice chat with Jing He's uncle. Well, as nice as their conversation could be when the topic was the person currently missing from their lives.

"I know what you mean. If we had even the faintest idea how long it'll take for him to recover, none of this would feel so ..." He paused, trying to think of the right word.

Qiu Ling raised his brows. "Excruciating? At least, that's what I would call it. The waiting is driving me crazy and it hasn't even been that long." Plus, he had gotten a special service from Tian, allowing him to know that Jing He had at least woken up. The same couldn't be said for Jing He's family.

To be honest, he was torn on whether he should tell them or not. The Heavenly Emperor definitely wouldn't appreciate it and might act even more stubbornly, accusing him of being in cahoots with Tian since he was able to get this kind of information from him without leaving his palace. Of course, there seemed to be some kind of truth to this because there really was no reason at all for Tian to treat him this favorably. He personally didn't understand it either.

Anyway, telling the Heavenly Emperor was out of the question but telling the Heavenly Empress and the God of War was another matter altogether. Those two cared about Jing He just as much as he did and ... well, he certainly felt that he should have a guilty conscience for not telling them. Wasn't that letting them suffer in silence?

Just then, the sound of steps rang out again in the throne room outside.

Qiu Ling glanced over and hummed. "Seems like mother-in-law is up early as well."

Qiang Yan nodded and turned his head to look at Bai Fen. His sister was indeed up just as early as them but it wasn't odd either. Just looking at her face, she seemed tired. Most likely, she wasn't sleeping much these days. He hadn't asked but this much could easily be imagined.

Qiu Ling could naturally see the same. He cleared his throat and motioned for her to sit, pouring a cup of tea for her before glancing from one person to the other. He obviously had to tell them. "Well ..." He pursed his lips, wondering if there might be a reason on Tian's side not to do so but couldn't think of anything. If the supreme sovereign wouldn't have wanted him to tell anyone, he certainly would have said so, wouldn't he? Making up his mind, Qiu Ling's expression turned serious. "I have some news."

Bai Fen picked up the cup of tea and faintly raised her brows. Looking at Qiu Ling's expression, it was clear that this was something major. Her heartbeat immediately quickened as she wondered if this could actually be about Jing He. She knew it was unlikely. Her son was in the High Heavens, after all, and Qiu Ling wasn't allowed to go there. Where would he get any news? But still, she couldn't help but hope. As long as she got any sign of how he was doing, she would feel a lot better.

"Last night, Tian got in touch. Jing He has woken up."

Bai Fen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Do you know how he is doing?" She didn't dare to look at Qiu Ling's expression for fear of what she would see there. He had seemed serious before so ... maybe it wasn't good?

Qiu Ling kept quiet for a second, wondering how to phrase this. He could naturally see Bai Fen's worry and he felt the same so it was easy to emphasize. Of course, she'd prefer hearing that Jing He was doing well. It was just ... "I suppose he is doing as you'd expect considering the circumstances.

"Tian actually showed me on a water mirror. Jing He seemed ... confused, at first, as if he hadn't really understood what happened. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but Tian basically re-erected Jing He's palace in the High Heavens so everything looks the same. I don't think he was aware that he wasn't at home any longer and it seemed like he had lost some memories."

Bai Fen's eyes finally opened again. "This is only temporary though, isn't it?"

Qiu Ling inclined his head. "From the looks of it." He smiled wryly thinking of last night. "To be honest, Tian isn't exactly forthcoming with information. I'm actually surprised that he showed me this much. He didn't say much though and I suppose it'll stay that way. We can probably count ourselves lucky if he shows us anything else."

Next to them, Qiang Yan nodded. "As Rong Su said: Tian holds a grudge against his family. He probably doesn't have any good feelings for any of the family members. It's a wonder he is helping Jing He at all."

"Mn." Qiu Ling furrowed his brows. "I've thought about this quite a lot and I can't explain it either. My best guess would be that Jing He's situation might remind him of his lover. Didn't he also become a fallen god? Maybe his tolerance for fallen gods is higher than his distaste for the Heavenly Family."

"That might be."

"Well, I can't see an alternative explanation." Unless, of course, Tian had something he wanted from them. In fact, this seemed quite likely. After all, this wasn't the first time he had helped them. No matter how much he thought, he couldn't think of anything worth giving to the supreme sovereign though. What was there that this man lacked? It seemed that apart from not being with his lover any longer, there was nothing. Still, this guess shouldn't be mentioned right now.

"No matter what, the important part is that Jing He is awake now. This means that from now on, he can slowly heal. And since Tian took him up there, chances are he might be willing to help. We should think about that and not worry too much.

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