04: Second Brother

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"It's my fault. I'm soft-hearted. I haven't given Lili any medicine in the past two days." Xiang Xiaoying sat on a chair outside and covered her face. "He said he didn't want to take it, so I just..."

She took a deep breath and said no more.

After hearing this, Sister Fang couldn't help but take a breath. She thought that Sister Ying brought Lili to the hospital today as usual. Although it was a bit sudden, Lili's emergencies were not uncommon in the past. Who knew that it would actually happen? It's because of this reason.

"You're confused." Sister Fang threw her bag on the chair and sat down. After a while, she hugged Xiang Xiaoying's shoulder and said, "It's okay. Didn't you bring Lili to Dr. Chen in time?"

"Let's hear the results first, don't worry."

Xiang Xiaoying looked at the closed door of the clinic, took off her sunglasses, revealing her tired eyes, "I just received a call from Teacher Liang. She said that Lili has been ignoring people in the kindergarten these days."

"She asked Lili why he didn't play with other people, and Lili only said that he likes to be alone."

Xiang Xiaoying looked at Sister Fang, "I don't know if I'm overthinking it. Lili has been very obedient at home these days, but I still want to tell Lili..." She paused, "He doesn't need to be so obedient. ."

You don't need to be so obedient, trouble her more, instead of looking like you can do everything by yourself without any help from her as a mother.

Lili is just that little.

Xiang Xiaoying felt like she didn't know what to do, "I'm afraid if this continues, Lili won't want to stay with me anymore."

Sister Fang patted her on the shoulder and said, "No." The door of the consulting room opened at this time. Sister Fang took a look and saw Dr. Chen walking out of it, and continued, "I won't disturb you. You go and talk to Dr. Chen first." Let's have a nice chat."

"Don't think too much."

Sister Fang pushed her.

Xiang Xiaoying used this force to stand up, stepping on the marble floor with her high heels, making heavy footsteps, "Doctor Chen, how is Lili's condition?"

Dr. Chen asked her to come over and take a look inside the door.

Xiang Xiaoying stood by the door and looked inside.

The white dumpling, which was no more than thigh high, was sunk in the pillows on the sofa, with his short legs crossed, holding a palm-sized Q-version cotton doll. In front of him was a pile of baby clothes. When he was young, he was carefully giving it to his hands. cotton doll with matching clothes.

The cotton doll looked small, but it was almost bigger than his face. He held it with both hands and slowly dressed the cotton doll.

Dr. Chen closed the door considerately and lowered his voice, "That one is called cotton doll. Young people nowadays seem to like it very much. I don't understand, so I just bought some and put them here."

He took Xiang Xiaoying away from the door, "Lili saw it and liked it quite a lot, so she let him play."

"Mom Shi Li, have you seen it? Li Li doesn't just randomly match his clothes. The colors and styles are all consistent. He has his own ideas."

Xiang Xiaoying was stunned for a moment, her voice was a little dry, "What do you mean?"

Dr. Chen smiled and said, "He just said it was because the games in the kindergarten were too stupid and the other children were noisy. He preferred reading, so he stayed alone all the time." He didn't speak fast and concluded in one word, " Lili is a very smart child."

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