20: Wash face

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The sunflower doll was placed on the toy shelf in Xiaoli's room. Of course, it was placed relatively high to prevent the cubs from accidentally touching it and making them cry.

In the evening it was time to eat.

Xiaoli hadn't seen Aunt Liu for a day, so she took the half bottle of milk that her aunt had soaked before dinner, said "Thank you, Auntie", sipped it in small sips, and waited expectantly for dinner.

Upstairs, as soon as Xiang Xiaoying walked to Shi Cheng's door, she heard the sound of fighting coming from inside. She paused and knocked on the door, "Shi Cheng?"

Shi Cheng inside the door stared at the screen, "Mom, wait a minute."

The special effects sound of various game skills blooming in the room continued. Xiang Xiaoying frowned slightly and said, "I have something to discuss with you."

Shi Cheng shouted out the door in a helpless tone, "Mom, let me finish beating this monster."

"come out."

A few seconds later, the sound of slippers being pulled was heard inside. Not long after, the door to the room was opened. Shi Cheng was still wearing his school uniform, but because he felt too hot, he changed his lower body into a midriff that hung down to his knees. Wearing short sweatpants and a black Bluetooth headset hanging around his neck, he leaned against the door and shouted without raising his head, "What are we discussing, Mom?"

Xiang Xiaoying looked at Shi Cheng, who kept operating his cell phone with his head down, without raising his head, and frowned, but still endured his temper, "I made an appointment with Dr. Chen from the psychology clinic last week to take Lili there tomorrow. But mommy has to go to the crew tomorrow to catch up on the progress, so you can take Lili there for me."

Shi Cheng paused and asked subconsciously, "What Doctor Chen?" Immediately, he realized that he had just finished beating the monsters in his hand, and before Xiang Xiaoying could no longer bear it, he raised his head seriously and said, "Give it to Li." Is it Dr. Chen who treated Li?"

Shi Cheng put away her phone, and Xiang Xiaoying's frown relaxed a little. She handed over a business card, "This is the location of the clinic and the phone number of Dr. Chen. I'll send you the video you need to show Dr. Chen." is you."

Shi Cheng took it, glanced at it, and remembered it in his mind, "What time is it?"

Xiang Xiaoying, "Ten o'clock in the morning."

Shi Cheng responded simply, "Okay."

Xiang Xiaoying reminded, "We have to eat later, don't play for too long."

"Don't stay in your room playing games all day, and go out for a walk more often."

Shi Cheng responded perfunctorily, "I know, I know."

Xiang Xiaoying turned around and walked a few steps, then turned back and said, "If Dr. Chen wants to prescribe medicine for Lili, forget it."

When Shi Cheng was about to go back to the room, he paused and turned around to look, "Mom?"

But Xiang Xiaoying had already gone down the stairs. He paused when he heard it, but he was obviously avoiding the topic and left straight away.

Shi Cheng locked the door in confusion, sat down on the gaming chair, and put on his headphones.

The voice of a friend who started the game was immediately heard inside, "Why don't you continue playing?"

Shi Cheng opened the closed microphone and said, "I just had something to do. Oh, by the way, let's meet up next time."

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