24: Rich money

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After dinner, Xiang Xiaoying bathed Lili, who had been playing outside all day, put on new furry animal pajamas, sat on the crib, and her mother blew her hair with a hair dryer.

The black-haired cub was shaken a little by the blow, his ears were buzzing, and he was feeling dizzy.

After finally finishing the blowing, Shili blinked in a daze when he was so tired that he dozed off amid the buzzing sound, "Mom?" Xiang Xiaoying put the hair dryer away and placed it high enough for the cubs to not reach

. "What's wrong?"

Lili hesitated, "Did my brother only have one towel when he washed Xiangxiang, and didn't have the little prince to apply Xiangxiang? Can mom buy one for my brother?" He thought for a while and added, "Buy it with Lili's money."

Xiang Xiaoying said, "Mom has told me about my brother many times." She smiled, "Does Lili also have money?" Xiao

Li nodded, "Put it in mom's New Year's money. "He looked at a golden piggy on the bookshelf in the room, "Mom, take it." Although it looked

a bit tacky, it was specially made of pure gold. Xiang Xiaoying walked over to pick it up and put the golden pig on Li. On Li's bed, he opened it, and several pink banknotes floated out.

Lili's more lucky money was in a card specially opened by Xiang Xiaoying, and there were only a few here.

Xiang Xiaoying took out her mobile phone and turned on the recording quietly, "Let me think about it." She sat on the edge of the bed, "How many towels does Lili want to buy for her brother?" Xiaoli thought about it, and she definitely couldn't ask for her brother's previous towels

. "It seems like four of them: wiping hair, wiping face, bathing, and washing feet."

He raised four fingers.

Xiang Xiaoying pulled out four pink banknotes, "Four, right? There is also a little prince for rubbing incense." She pulled out another pink banknote.

When Xiao Li stared blankly at her suddenly reduced New Year's money, she couldn't help but shout, "Mom..."

Xiang Xiaoying raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong? Mom took it away?"

Li Li stuttered, "Okay, All right."

Xiang Xiaoying paused the recording and pinched the soft cheek of the black-haired cub. "Stupid." She stood up and put the little golden pig back, including the five banknotes she was holding. "Okay, mom will be there tomorrow." I bought it for your brother. It's time for Lili to go to bed now."

She watched Lili shrink into the small quilt, covered herself with the quilt, then hugged the cotton doll and said, "Good night, mom." Ever since Lili started brushing her teeth by

herself After washing her face and eating, Xiang Xiaoying slowly got used to not worrying about everything anymore, but she could never let go. She had to watch the cub do every little thing seriously before turning around and leaving.

The door to the room was gently closed.

Xiang Xiaoying walked to the corridor and sent a message to Tang Ming - [Director Tang, I'm sorry for replying to your message so late. ]

[Lili will participate in the next show, but I may not be able to spare the time, so let his brother go for me. ]

Tang Ming immediately replied - [Who is Lili's brother? ]

Xiang Xiaoying replied - [Shi Cheng, I am in high school this year and will be a sophomore in the second half of the year. ]

[Sister Ying, are you sure? Lili's brother is also very young. ]

[I'm sure that their relationship is very good. Don't worry, Shi Cheng will take good care of Lili. ]

[Okay, if the specific itinerary plan for these two days and the screenwriter's event script come out, I will send it to the movie sister immediately. Don't worry, even in the wild, the crew will have first aid kits and professional rescuers. We will pay attention to Lili's situation. ]

[Okay, when will the filming take place? ]

[This weekend. ]

After Xiang Xiaoying understood it clearly, he exited the chat box with Tang Ming, found Shi Cheng in the list, and swiped to send the audio he had just recorded.

Seeing that she is not ashamed of this brat, she even asks her younger brother to spend New Year's money to help her brother buy toiletries.

It was already morning when Shicheng saw the news. He was so tired that he fell asleep after taking a shower last night. Today he opened his eyes before dawn and called his friend sleepily.

At the same time as the harsh ringtone rang, as soon as I answered the phone, I heard a few curses about being deprived of a good dream. I turned a deaf ear to it and hung up directly. After I saw the message sent to Xiaoying, I clicked it casually.

Within a few seconds, Qingjun's face became mortified little by little, Shi Cheng cursed in a low voice, opened the app and quickly placed an order.

Shi Cheng's remaining sleepiness disappeared. After getting up, brushing his teeth and washing his face, he began to pack his luggage.

Shi's home is too far away from the cram school he enrolled in, so Shi Cheng plans to move directly to the dormitory provided by the cram school and then move back after half a month of training.

Half past six in the morning.

Shi Cheng walked out of Shi's house with his suitcase, called a car, and rode Juechen.

Half past seven in the morning.

Xiang Xiaoying walked out of the master bedroom and went downstairs to say hello to Aunt Liu and have breakfast.

Eight o'clock.

She slowly went upstairs and knocked on Shi Cheng's door, "Shi Cheng? I want to discuss something with you."

Xiang Xiaoying waited, but didn't hear a response, frowned slightly and knocked again, "Shi Cheng?" She had a vague premonition and turned the doorknob.

The doorknob, which was usually tightly locked, was successfully turned. Xiang Xiaoying suddenly opened the door, taking in the empty bedroom. She looked at the neatly folded sheets on the bed, realized something, and walked in in a few steps. , opened the wardrobe in Shicheng's room.

The closet was obviously more than half empty, and the frequently used clothes had been packed away. The suitcase that was next to the closet that had been brought home for vacation also disappeared. Xiang Xiaoying's eyelids twitched, and she immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call. go out.

On the other side, Shi Cheng picked up the answer in confusion, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Xiang Xiaoying's low-pressure voice came from the phone, "Shi Cheng, where did you go to have fun again?!"

Shi Cheng suddenly realized. "Oh" he said, "Mom, I forgot to tell you. I signed up for a cram school in Tiancheng District, Beijing. It's too far from home, so I just moved there." Xiang Xiaoying was stunned for a moment

. Being silenced, he pressed his forehead with his fingertips and sighed, "Forget it."

Shi Cheng frowned, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Xiang Xiaoying said, "It's okay."

"Why are you always like this? Is it so difficult to talk to me?" Shi Cheng blurted out, and immediately turned around after finishing speaking. God, he endured the embarrassment of hanging up the phone and let out an annoyed "tsk".

"It's really nothing important." Xiang Xiaoying could only say, "As for your brother's variety show, the next issue is to be filmed out of town, but mom has to stay on the set for the past two days to catch up on the progress and can't leave the capital." Shi

Cheng He said, "So you want me to go instead of you, is that okay? Can the director agree?" Xiang Xiaoying said "

Yes", "Mom asked me specifically before, but since you have already gone, just study hard. "

It's okay." Shi Cheng said, "Two days ago, did my eldest brother tell me that he was coming back from his internship at the branch? It's probably just for these two days. I really can't call my eldest sister to go?" He thought about it

. He thought, and then denied, "No, the eldest sister formed a team in college, and she took the people to some remote mountain and old forest to film a movie. I couldn't contact them once for ten days and a half, and I don't know when they will come back. "

Mom, ask brother?"

"Or when will dad come back from a business trip abroad?"

Xiang Xiaoying said helplessly, "I just asked your dad last night, and he said it won't be that fast."

Shi Cheng said tentatively . , "Then ask eldest brother?"

Xiang Xiaoying, "Forget it."

"Mom." Shi Cheng pulled back his hair and didn't know what to say, "Brother may look cold on his face, but he's still pretty cool." Okay, we have been treated as relatives for a long time."

Xiang Xiaoying also sighed, "I know."

"The problem is that Lili is afraid of him."

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