71: Go home

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When I returned home, Yunjing's crew worked overtime for the past two days to catch up with the schedule. They stayed up late for two consecutive nights and finally finished work successfully on the third day, Thursday morning.

She was so tired that her back ached, and there were some bruises under her eyes. She still had to stare at everyone's things that they had packed up in the desert.

The assistant director and manager patted her on the shoulder and asked her to rest, but Shi Yunjing refused, "I am the director, how can I leave first?"

He braved the sun and watched each group clean up, checked whether there were any leaked important items, such as film, service tunnels that still need to be used, cameras that store waste films, etc.

After everything was done and they had lunch on the way, it was already afternoon. They checked in large luggage such as equipment and facilities. The crew's cars were also rented and would be returned later.

Some of the staff took taxis to take high-speed trains, and some took long-distance cars back to Beijing. Yunjing had no control over this part at the time. It only said that the crew would reimburse the travel expenses and told them to pay attention to their safety and see them in Beijing then.

Before setting off, Shi Yunjing got into the RV, picked up the suitcase he had packed last night, and said, "Dad, let's go."

Shi Fuchuan also picked up the suitcase and led Lili out of the RV.

Her RV will be checked back to Beijing by specialized personnel. When they drive the off-road vehicle to the airport, a driver will help drive it back to Beijing.

Before getting into the car, Shi Yunching had just stuffed her suitcases into the trunk and was about to sit in the driver's seat when she was ordered to sit in the back seat and rest. No matter what she asked, Shi Fuchuan refused to let go.

"It's a long journey to the airport. There are no child seats in the car. Lili and Lele are sitting with you in the back. Yunjing, please help take care of them." Shi Fuchuan thought for a while and said.

Shi Yunjing was speechless for a moment, then sighed, "Dad, I can really do it. I'm not that tired yet. How can I let you drive?" Shi Fuchuan replied with a teasing smile,

" I'm not that old either."

Shi Yunjing was startled for a moment, then sat in the back seat.

Just looking at Shi Fuchuan's appearance, one would not think that he was already in his forties. He rolled up his sleeves, got into the driver's seat, and skillfully started the heavy off-road vehicle.

Sitting in the back, Shili saw this scene and inexplicably remembered that her older brother liked to roll up his sleeves before getting in the car when he was driving.

"Lili, open your hands."

The cub holding the puppy subconsciously stretched out his hands before he could react.

Very obedient.

Shi Yunjing put on the seat belt of the back seat for Lili. He leaned against the window and closed his eyes as the off-road vehicle rocked. Within a few minutes, he fell asleep.

Xiaoli looked at her eldest sister worriedly.

Shi Fuchuan, who was in front, asked in a low voice, "Is the eldest sister asleep?"

Lili nodded, followed her father's example and lowered her voice, and whispered, "The eldest sister is tired, but she is not sleepy and has been busy."

Shi Fuchuan After thinking about it for a while, "Does it mean that the eldest sister was busy very late and didn't sleep?"

The cub said "yes" in a small voice and nodded.

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