130: Extra 02 | Iceland

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For usual lunch in Iceland, Shi Sheng usually goes to the company's employee restaurant to eat, but because he brought Lili here today, he asked Uncle Li to deliver the nutritional meal for children prepared by Aunt Liu. Including Shi Sheng's.

After clearing away the things on his desk, Shi Sheng called Lili over, who had been watching cartoons all morning, "You must pay attention to rest."

Shi Sheng said firmly, "You are not allowed to watch tablets in the afternoon, otherwise it will be bad for your eyes. " He said in a calm and consultative tone as much as possible.

Shili was stunned for a moment, then raised his face and took the initiative to hold the tablet up and hand it over, "I'm sorry, big brother, I won't look at it for so long next time."

If it was Shicheng here, he might have compromised.

But Shi Sheng responded and put the tablet aside. He didn't put it away specifically and put it in front of Lili.

But the cub was eating seriously. After eating, he read a children's book and took a nap. He didn't touch the tablet at hand until he went back in the evening.

Very sensible.

Shi Sheng had a rare regret. He deliberately didn't put away the tablet. The cub wouldn't say anything even if he looked at it when he was bored, but he was just too good-behaved.

During dinner, Shi Sheng once again suggested that he take Lili to the company tomorrow. Shi Cheng responded, "That's right, Mom, I want to take Lili to play too." Xiang Xiaoying glanced at Shi Sheng, then at Shi Sheng.

Shi Cheng, in a dilemma, turned his attention to Shi Fuchuan again.

Shi Fuchuan had a smile on his face and calmly pretended not to hear.

Shi Yunjing said, "Well, let's ask Lili what she thinks."

The cub, who was immersed in eating in the child seat, was stunned for a moment, looked at the second brother opposite and the eldest brother next to him, feeling a little confused.

Shi Cheng said, "Li Li, why is elder brother's company so boring? Come with second brother, and second brother will take you to the amusement park."

Shi Sheng coughed and said concisely, "It's hot outside." It's summer now, It's almost August and it's extremely hot outside.

The cub hesitated for a moment, then said first, "Big Brother, it's not boring there." He showed a sad expression when he saw it, and poured out a bowl of water with great effort, "It's not hot outside either." Because he lied, he kowtowed. Stuttering.

Probably because there were too many flaws in the cub's acting skills, Shi Sheng couldn't help but smile in his eyes. Shi Fuchuan shook his head and smiled. For a moment, the rest of the people at the dinner table also laughed.

Shi Yunjing took the initiative to solve the problem, "How about this, how about we take Lili out for a day and then take Lili to our work place."

Shi Fuchuan spoke this time, "It's a very interesting idea."

Xiang Xiaoying also smiled and said, "Okay."

"Let's go in order, my eldest brother took Lili there yesterday, it will be me tomorrow, Xiaocheng the day after tomorrow, and then my mom and dad." Shi Yunjing said neatly, and in a few moments he was there. It's all lined up.

The next day, Shi Yunjing slept until he woke up naturally. At about nine or ten o'clock in the evening, he waited until he had lunch at home before taking Lili out to the crew in the film and television city.

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