48: Papa Hug

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He held the certificate and handed it back to Shi Fuchuan.

In Lili's blank sight, it was folded neatly and put back into her father's bag.

When I was young, I always felt that something was wrong.

Everyone could understand what Brother Ozawa was saying to the staff, but he couldn't understand or understand.

Lili was a little annoyed. He had forgotten a lot of the knowledge he had learned in his previous life. If he had to think of it, he could only touch vague memories.

He also wants to learn many languages.

Not wanting to be like this because he didn't know anything and couldn't participate in everyone's conversation, the three-year-old cub quietly pursed his lower lip and secretly made a small plan for himself.

He has been reading storybooks at home and memorizing complicated words bit by bit.

You can't just read storybooks anymore.

Lili hugged her milk bottle and drank the rest of the milk.

Gu Xiaoze couldn't help but turn his head to look at his brother.

My brother is very sensible.

After drinking milk, he will put the bottle back into his backpack, and he will take out a tissue from the bag to wipe his mouth. He will put the dirty tissue in his pocket and not throw it away.

When the plane was about to stop, I carefully checked whether my seat belt was fastened again. Finally, I hugged my small backpack and waited quietly for landing.

But he is too sensible.

Gu Xiaoze tried hard to recall what he was doing when he was three years old.

Because he got into a fight with a child in the nursery who said his hair looked like coal, he was punished by his grandparents by standing in a corner all afternoon.

Because the teacher's lectures are too simple, I don't listen carefully during class.

Even if it rains outside and the football is full of mud, I will play until I am exhausted before going home. My whole body will be covered in mud and become dirty.

But at first glance, Lili is a cub who listens obediently in class. Although she may not answer actively when the teacher asks questions, she will definitely not sleep secretly, gossip with other children, or become distracted.

Gu Xiaoze compared himself and fell silent.

His movements while holding "Lele" were a little stiff, and when the staff came to take the puppy away, he even retracted his hand in anger.

But he was afraid of hurting the little Bichon, so he took a look at his younger brother who didn't seem to need "Lele"'s company, and then gave the puppy to the staff.

Of course the little Bichon Frize also has a seat.

The fluffy little white dog was tied to the seat by the seat belt, in a "big" shape, unable to move, and the little tongue that often spit out was also put in, making it look a little stuffy.

It's hard to imagine that so many expressions can be seen on a puppy's face.

When the plane landed, "Lele" was put down.

Lili put her small backpack on her back and took the puppy's leash. Before she could react, she was suddenly picked up in the air.

The dog leash also fell off along the cub's short hands.

Shi Fuchuan walked in the front, "Daddy, carry Lili down?"

"Lele" dragged the dog leash and followed at his feet with four short legs.

Lili was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Thank you Papa."

He was a little nervous.

Shi Fuchuan smiled, "You don't need to say thank you to dad."

Lili said an unfamiliar "Hmm!"

Behind them are Mr. Gu and classmate Gu Xiaoze.

Gu Xiaoze looked at the black-haired cub being picked up by his father, looked up at Mr. Gu in front of him, and pursed his lips.

As soon as he walked out of the cabin door and walked to the gangway, his father's voice came from above his head, "Gu Xiaoze, don't move."

He was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he was also held up and lifted up.

Mr. Gu shook the little boy sitting on his arm as if he were lifting an iron. He felt that it was quite light. "Yes, your dad and I are still young and strong."

Gu Xiaoze was so frightened by the sudden shaking that his expression instantly stiffened

After listening to his father's soliloquy.

Gu Xiaoze: "..."

He said in his heart that the feeling of being held by his father was just like this, um... it was still a little comfortable.

Mr. Gu held Zai with one hand and took off the sunglasses that Gu Xiaoze wore before getting off the plane.

Gu Xiaoze opened his eyes wide and reached out to grab it, "Daddy! They're going to shoot later! (Daddy! They're going to shoot later!)"

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