35: Good times

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In the end, the Portuguese restaurant did not ask Shi Sheng to pay, and the waiter at the front desk also gave the work hat to Lili for free.

Shi Sheng took the folded work hat and held it in his hand. The cub was ready to take it and stuff it into his little backpack. He raised his head and raised his short hands, waiting for his big brother. Pass me your hat.

After waiting for a while, Shi Sheng glanced at him, and then tentatively took Lili's outstretched hand.

Shi Li was a little confused, "Brother, won't you give it to Li Li?"

Shi Sheng paused, not knowing how to speak.

Cubs at this age are still young and most of them don't remember things, and they can easily forget what adults have said.

He could just find an excuse and get over it.

But -

Shi Sheng squatted down, and his eyes suddenly became level with Lili's. He kept raising his head. His neck was a little uncomfortable. Shili suddenly relaxed. Before he could react, he heard his elder brother asking seriously. My own opinion, "Because the eldest brother wants to keep it as a souvenir."

"Lili is willing to give it to the eldest brother?" Xiao

Li hesitated for a moment, not understanding why the eldest brother wanted his work hat. This was just Lili's Hat, nothing to commemorate.

But he nodded quickly and agreed, "Yes! If brother wants it, there is no need to ask Lili."

The cub said seriously, "Brother can just take it."

Xiaoli was willing to give his own things He has always been willing to share it with his brother, whether he is the eldest brother or the second brother, no matter in the past or now.

Even if their relationship is estranged, they are still family members.

Shi Sheng frowned slightly and did not immediately correct the cub's incorrect concept. Instead, he nodded and said, "Brother will put it away."

Then he continued to say, "You can also take whatever is yours ."

Lili immediately shook her head, "How is that possible? Lili can't take the elder brother's things without his consent."

Shi Sheng asked in a guiding light, "So?"

Lili reacted for a while before she understood

What did the eldest brother want to express? He repeated Shi Sheng's words in a coquettish voice and said tentatively, "So, eldest brother can't do it without Lili's consent?"

Shi Sheng responded.

He kept the hat in his hand until he returned to the toy house, and then put it into his suitcase.

On the other side, Gu Xiaoze and Mrs. Gu also got into the show crew's car and returned to the toy house.

The ride back was quiet.

Mrs. Gu was thinking about something while Gu Xiaoze leaned against the car window and fell asleep because he was too tired.

Before getting off the bus, Mrs. Gu lowered her voice and asked the staff sitting in the passenger seat, "When will your program be broadcast?"

The staff looked at the time and said, "Tomorrow night, Director Tang said she has to work overtime tonight to edit the first episode."

Mrs. Gu was not an insider and didn't know much about the release mode of variety shows, so she wondered, "Can it still be broadcast in such a rush?"

Staff Nodding, "Yes, it has been decided a long time ago. It will be broadcast on Apple Channel at 8pm every Sunday."

Mrs. Gu leaned back in her seat and thought for a while, turned on her phone and wrote down a note on the memo.

When they returned to the toy house, the other three cubs in the team also came back. The two little girls walked hand in hand. Xiao Yu, who followed behind, was also carrying a big bag, which could be smelled from a distance. See the fragrant smell.

The cub who was ringing the doorbell and waiting for the door to open couldn't help but turn his head.

Shili and Gu Xiaoze's cars set off at the same time and arrived at the toy house at the same time. The two parents met again and waited in a harmonious atmosphere for the people inside to open the door.

The program team specially created a scene with a big family atmosphere.

When the Chinese language duo saw Lili and Xiaoze in front of the door, they also waved and said hello, "Brother! Brother Xiaoze, we are back!"

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