57: One after another

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The horses quickly passed over the endless grassland. They rode for about ten minutes and advanced more than three thousand meters before slowly stopping.

Shi Fuchuan reined in the reins.

The horses stopped by the small river flowing on the grassland, lowered their heads and drank water.

Shili was dizzy from being jolted. After she stopped, she still didn't react. She felt that her face was frozen and stiff by the wind. She couldn't help but let go of the reins and rubbed it with her short, gloved hands. He rubbed his little face and patted it again.

He breathed hot breath into his palm.

The chubby cheeks were all red.

Shi Fuchuan, "Is it cold?"

Lili nodded, "Papa, the wind is so strong."

Shi Fuchuan responded, "Just wait until we get to the camp and let dad see where we are."

Hours Li raised his short hand and showed his watch.

You need to click on the location map yourself.

The two heads, one big and one small, came together and looked at the dark electronic screen of the positioning watch. Shi Fuchuan frowned slightly and nodded tentatively. The screen lit up and displayed several software icons.

Shi Fuchuan didn't know which one was the positioning map. "Lili, do you know how to use this?"

Lili opened his eyes blankly. For a moment, he shook his head blankly, "Dad, don't you know?"

Shi Fuchuan was silent. For a moment, "Let dad study it."

One minute, three minutes, five minutes...

Shi Fuchuan no longer knew where he clicked on the screen of the watch.

For a moment, he gave up and let Lili retract his hand, took the reins again, and asked the white horse that was drinking water to raise its neck. But the difference from before was that Shi Fuchuan only put his hand loosely on it and did not tighten it. Hold on tightly to control the direction.

The white horse shook its ponytail.

Shi Fuchuan leaned down, took out the whip hanging from the horse's side, straightened it, and whipped the horse's butt neatly.

The force was not strong, so the white horse was urged to lift up its steps and slowly moved forward in one direction.

Because I was walking slowly, I was soon caught up by the program staff. They were riding small motorcycles, and the one sitting behind was carrying a camera. I was relieved to see that this group was finally captured. .

The staff asked bitterly if they could wait for them next time, "Director Tang has been shouting from behind with a loudspeaker just now."

Shi Fuchuan laughed, "Sorry, the wind is too loud." Lili poked her head from the front and looked back, "Susu, Papa and I are lost." He was a little embarrassed, but still said, "Can Susu take Lili and her father to the camp?"

The staff member was stunned for a moment, "The positioning watch is broken?"

Shi Fuchuan did not find other excuses to cover up, but said directly, "Sorry, I am not very familiar with many electronic products."

Staff: "Sorry, sorry, we were negligent."

Shi Fuchuan," It's okay, as long as you didn't go the wrong way."

The person driving the scooter was a local herdsman invited by the program team. He spoke with a slight accent, but his words were fluent, "Then how did you get here?"

Fu Chuan whipped the riding whip again, and the white horse took a few steps forward leisurely, and the motorcycle drove forward slowly. After a minute or two, he turned around and said, "That's it."

The staff member was stunned for a moment, "That's it. Let it go by itself?"

Shi Fuchuan smiled, "Yes." He said warmly, "This is what my little daughter told me."

Xiao Li secretly pricked up her ears and raised her face.

Is dad talking about big sister?

The horses were slowly walking deeper into the grassland, with the roar of small motorcycles in their ears, and the breeze blowing from both sides, stirring up green waves.

Shi Fuchuan's voice was also blown far away by the wind and sounded a little scattered. He smiled and said, "When she became an adult, she was no longer subject to our discipline, so she often ran around and got lost."

"Once, their group lost the signal in the desert, and the compass failed due to the magnetic field. Finally, an old camel in the team took them out."

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