39: Furry

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As a curator, it is normal for Mao Mao to fly all over the place to install expensive exhibitions.

Including Mrs. Gu.

Her husband is busier than she is.

In case they neglected their children while they were busy, they decided a few years ago that instead of letting their children stay under the care of a nanny at home, they would rather send them to live with their grandparents in Europe.

It was not until the past two years that Mrs. Gu gradually returned her work focus to China, and gradually reduced her workload. It was only a few months ago that she became free and stayed in Beijing.

Gu Xiaoze was also able to fly back to China from Europe.

Near the villa area where their newly bought small bungalow is located, there are many exchange students who flew to Beijing from Europe and the United States. In addition, there are also many families composed of locals and foreigners in Beijing. Some of the children are as old as Gu Xiaoze, and some are younger than him.

Over the past few months, although Gu Xiaoze could always become cold-faced and had a bad temper, it was because of his superb football skills and his miraculous ability to communicate fluently with children no matter which country his ancestral home was in Europe.

Classmate Gu Xiaoze was unanimously praised by the little boys around him and made several good friends.

After finishing the vegetable chowder, black pepper mashed potatoes, and a small steak specially made by the chef for dinner, there were children outside the villa courtyard calling his English name loudly.

Ask him to come down and play together.

Gu Xiaoze, who was not very tall yet, put his hands on the window, looked down, uttered an English word expressionlessly, shook his head, "No."

The little boys below happily holding footballs said in unison, "Oh. , no", a little disappointed.

Gu Xiaoze, the classmate upstairs, walked back to his room without looking back. It was a beautifully decorated room with the unique style of European architecture, but the color scheme was extremely gorgeous. There were many murals on the walls, and the wardrobe was also black. Made of solid wood.

At first glance, you can tell that a lot of effort was put into designing it.

Very beautiful and very ornamental.

But what Gu Xiaoze likes most about this room is only one wall, one of which is made into a built-in bookcase, on which are placed the boys' favorite mecha figures, Lego bricks and a few adventure story books that only children like to read.

At the bottom of the bookcase are several folded volumes of "Three Hundred Tang Poems", which his grandfather and grandmother bought for him before he came to Europe.

It has always been popular for children in families who have immigrated abroad to buy a few books of 300 Tang poems and put them at home for their children to read, regardless of whether they will return to the country or not.

Gu Xiaoze picked up a book skillfully and sat at his desk, flipping through it idly and muttering silently.

Although he has already memorized it.

The first two Tang poems were "Silent Night Thoughts" and "Ode to the Goose". On the first day after returning to China, Gu Xiaoze stumbled and recited them with an awkward accent to his grandfather who was lying on the hospital bed.

It's already memorized by heart now.

After looking at it for a while, Gu Xiaoze lowered his head and rummaged through it, and found a "Encyclopedia of Chinese Character Recognition" from the depths of the desk cabinet.

He only saw half of it.

Gu Xiaoze bought this for himself before returning to China. The day after he knew that his parents were coming to take him home, he spent all his New Year's money and asked his grandparents to buy it for him.

Not only did his grandfather and grandmother not accept his new year's money, but they also gave him several books of "Ancient Poems" as gifts.

Gu Xiaoze supported his head and carefully turned over page after page, silently simulating the Chinese pinyin on the labels and spelling them out one word after another.

After reading it, those who can't, and those who can't, will pick up the pen in the pen holder and trace the words by themselves.

There was a child's sunglasses hanging outside the pen holder on the desk. Not long after, the alarm clock he had set rang.

It's almost eight o'clock.

Gu Xiaoze hugged his tablet, threw off his shoes, and lay on the bed. He looked around and didn't know what he saw. The little boy who was lying on his stomach suddenly sat up.

His fingers slid back and forth on the progress bar on the screen, and he didn't know how many times he watched the video of those short few minutes.

"Dong dong--"

The sound of the wooden door being knocked was muffled.

"Gu Xiaoze?"

A familiar female voice came from outside the door.

Gu Xiaoze was frightened and hurriedly closed the tablet. He shouted to the door, "Mom?

" He coughed and said, "Let me see what you are doing."

Gu Xiaoze's expression was obviously confused and suspicious.

Mrs. Gu walked in stiffly and tiredly. She didn't know what she was looking at. When her wandering eyes were fixed on the two books spread out on the table, she seemed to have finally found something to talk about and breathed a sigh of relief.

She picked up the two books and flipped through them for a while, "Have you read so many? Do you know how to memorize them?"

Gu Xiaoze became more confused and nodded hesitantly.

Mrs. Gu casually opened an ancient poem, "Mom, let me test you, this "Spring Dawn"? Can you read it by heart?"

Gu Xiaoze was sure that his mother seemed to be a little abnormal now, "Mom? Are you all right?"

Mrs. Gu pressed her forehead as if she had a headache, "Your mother is fine, no, I mean..." She paused, raised her eyes slightly, and closed the book in her hand. He put it on the table casually, then crossed his arms and leaned on the desk behind him.

He seemed a little tired after all his strength had been discharged, but he still raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Your father has taken an annual leave. Do you want to go out and play?"

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