135: Extra 07 | Kindergarten Birthday Gift

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Summer vacation is coming to an end soon.

After kindergarten started, Lili behaved well on her way to school every day, which was in sharp contrast to the other children who got off their parents' cars crying and shouted that they didn't want to go to school.

Shi Sheng pushed open the door and got out of the driver's seat. When he bent over to open the back seat door, he saw Shi Li who was already asleep in the car's child seat.

The cub tilted his head and pressed his little face against the car window. His cheeks were pink from sleep. He was still a little unable to react when he was woken up by Shi Sheng. He rubbed his eyes and said in a daze: "Brother ."

Shi Sheng picked up the small schoolbag placed next to Li Li, "Here we are."

Shi Li was obviously not awake yet, and nodded slowly, "Li Li will come down right now."

Because Shi's house is located on the outskirts of the city, not far from the city. Jingya Kindergarten in the city center is far away, and it takes nearly two hours for the cub to commute to and from school every day.

This means that I usually have to get up before seven o'clock.

Xiang Xiaoying felt sorry for Lili, and would ask Aunt Liu to prepare a hot breakfast in a lunch box before the cub set off, and stuff it into Lili's schoolbag along with some snacks and drinks from home.

It includes a pack of fragrant wet wipes and dry paper towels. Now that the weather is hot, there is also a small towel for wiping sweat, plus a small bag of milk powder and a feeding bottle.

The small schoolbags were stuffed to the brim.

Shi Sheng effortlessly lifted it up with one hand and unfastened the cub's seat belt with the other, then leaned over slightly, picked up the cub who couldn't help but yawn, and placed it on the ground.

He closed the car door and stretched out his big palm.

The cub's hand was very small, so he held it hard, took Shi Sheng's two fingers, and was led to the entrance of the kindergarten unsteadily.

Teacher Xiaoliang is already waiting at the door.

When he was almost at the door, Shi Sheng returned the little schoolbag to the cub, Lili hugged it, raised his head, and said politely, "Bye, big brother."

Shi Sheng said, "Big brother will pick you up in the afternoon."

Xiao Li said "Huh!"

Holding his schoolbag and walking on his short legs, he walked towards Teacher Liang who was picking up other children. When everyone in a class was almost gathered, a dozen little carrot heads followed the teacher obediently and walked to the class. Walk over there.

Lili walked at the back.

Because he walked slowly and his small schoolbag was a bit heavy, he lowered his head slowly and walked step by step, like a little tail at the end of the team.

The other children either didn't wake up, or were still sniffling, immersed in the frustration of not wanting to leave their parents.

Those little carrot heads that usually stick to Lili are now very peaceful.

Lili seemed a little lonely walking alone, until the cub seemed to hear the sound of other children running behind him.

Still sounding a little anxious and panting unevenly, the other party ran to Lili's side and stopped silently. He didn't make a sound and quietly walked forward with the cub.

Shili was a little slow and didn't realize it until now. She was still trying hard to hold her heavy schoolbag.

"I'll help you get it," said the little boy who stopped next to him.

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