133: Extra 05 | Variety Show

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On the seventh day of the variety show in Iceland, Xiaoli got on the plane back home.

Shi Yunjing developed the photos they took and made a photo album, including the magnificent blue ice cave, the gray-toned black beach, and the figures of the group walking on the vast glacier... Now this photo album He was held in Lili's arms, covering the lower half of his face. He seemed to be tired, and his eyes closed unconsciously.

The cub tilted its head and fell into a deep sleep.

They spent most of the time hiking, and the road under their feet was slippery and steep. It was extremely difficult for Lili to walk with her short legs. Most of the time, she was carried by someone.

After these seven days, Shi Sheng had become accustomed to holding his three-year-old brother.

On the way home from the airport, Lili slept soundly on Shi Sheng's shoulder when she wasn't in the car. When she got home, she was awakened by the smell of the food cooked by Aunt Liu.

It is evening time in Beijing.

It happens to be Sunday night, the time when the variety show is supposed to be broadcast. Although Xiaoli has recorded the last episode of the show, Apple Channel has only now released the fifth episode.

The sixth episode will be aired tonight.

When they went to Iceland, it happened to be the time when the fifth episode was broadcast, so they hadn't watched this episode yet. As soon as they finished eating in the evening, the cub was carried to the living room by Shi.

Lili had just woken up and had been in a daze during the meal. Now that she was suddenly brought here, she was still a little confused, "Second brother?" Shi Cheng turned on the TV, "I have been saving for two weeks, let's watch it tonight."

Shi Cheng Yun Jing looked over, "What are you looking at?"

She came over and sat on the single sofa.

Shi Fuchuan, whose trouser leg was bitten by Lele, also came to the sofa and Xiang Xiaoying went to the kitchen to get a fruit plate.

Shi Yunjing thought of something, "By the way, brother, give me a cup when you grind the coffee. I have to work overtime tonight."

Shi Sheng responded, and not long after, he brought two cups of coffee.

They each had a single sofa and sat on opposite sides. Lili was sitting on the sofa in the middle. The cub was holding Lele and looked at Shi Cheng who was lying on the sofa at this time, as well as his father and his father who were sitting on both sides of him. Mother.

The next second, the familiar sound of the cutscene at the beginning of a variety show rang out from the TV. Shili was immediately attracted to his attention, and his eyes lit up.

Shi Fuchuan occasionally broke off a piece of ham and fed it to Lele who was lying on Lili's body. Xiang Xiaoying asked Lili what fruit she wanted to eat while chatting with Shi Yunjing about any good scripts in the circle recently.

Shi Sheng, on the other hand, was watching very intently. He was holding a coffee cup and leaning on the seat. Shi Sheng was very interested and had already put down his mobile phone that he usually couldn't do without.

This was the first time that the living room of Shi's family was so crowded. After dinner, everyone sat together leisurely.

The fifth issue showed Shi Fuchuan taking Lili to the northwest for filming, and Mr. Gu also came in that issue.

The scene begins with Shi Fukawa pushing a silver suitcase out of the airport. Behind him is a fluffy white Bichon Frize, as well as a cub that lowers its head and walks forward slowly, followed by five The plot of two cubs meeting and checking into a hotel.

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