58: Le Bang

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The cub stood helplessly in front of the two dogs.

The shepherd dog gave a low "purr", took two steps forward, stopped next to the little bichon, then lay down and stopped moving.

It purred again.

The little Bichon Frize, who had just been barking "woof" in anger, was threatened, and instantly let out a small "woo-woo" in his voice.

Tang Ming, who was about to ask the staff to carry Lele down, was extremely happy, "Forget it, let's just shoot it like this."

He wanted to sit down and watch the show.

Shi Li looked at the shepherd dog, then looked at Lele, and said "I'm sorry" to the shepherd dog, then trotted to the little bichon and squatted down.

Lele was obviously happier, her puppy eyes curled up, she stuck out her tongue, and smiled silly.

Lili touched Lele's puppy's head, and the little Bichon rubbed his palm in return, looking very happy.

The cub said seriously, "Lili needs the puppy next to him to do the task, but I only have one puppy, Lele." He purred the fur on the

little bichon, and Lele, who couldn't understand what the human said, shook his head. The tail is very comfortable to be touched.

Lili continued, "When the task is completed, I will give Lele the ham sausage, okay?"

Lele shook her tail and let out a "woo".

Thinking that Lele agreed, Lili said, "I like Lele the most." Then she stood up and walked toward the shepherd dog with her short legs.

Because the grass was deeper and the soil was not very flat, the cub waddled over like a little penguin.

The eyes of the puppy as big as Lele Dou could be clearly seen opening a little wider, and the swaying little tail stopped in mid-air.

The shepherd dog that had been lying quietly on the other side raised its ears slightly and raised its head.

Then the little white dumpling made a "wuwu" sound, rushed over, and started to circle around the cub's feet.

Lili was stunned for a moment, then squatted down in confusion, "Lele?"

The little bichon bit the cub's trouser leg and dragged it away from the shepherd dog.

The parents were all preparing to go to the yurt. When they heard the laughter of the staff behind them, they couldn't help but look back. In the end, Shi Fuchuan came out to save the situation. He walked back to Tang Ming and said in a low voice. A few words.

"Why don't you let Lele try the job of shepherding?"

"It's very smart."

Tang Ming thought for a moment and agreed. The staff ran up to communicate with the herdsman holding the shepherd dog, and then, the two shepherd dogs They were all led to the waiting Gu Xiaoze.

Gu Xiaoze was stunned for a moment.

Lili was also stunned.

The sister of the staff squatted down and explained to the cub gently, "Lili, we decided to let Lele also try the job of driving the sheep back to the sheepfold."

She said, "But in this case, Lili will have to teach Lele Why are you driving the sheep?"

Xiao Li nodded, "I know, Lili will complete the task!"

The staff laughed, "No, sister is here to ask for your opinion. In this case, Lili's workload will increase It will become very big and you will be very tired during the task." She looked back at Director Tang, "So Director Tang decided to let Lili make the choice."

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