52: Let's try

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The program team rented a small courtyard in the ancient town as a temporary resting place, and the national costumes they borrowed were also placed in it.

Parents and children took turns going in, and there were two local brothers and sisters inside to help teach them how to put them on.

Each Zaizai lined up in his own order.

Sitting in a row with a small pony, only classmate Gu Xiaoze followed his father and looked at the dozen or so cameras installed outside the yard.

Each dark lens was focused on the location where the door opened and walked out of the corridor.

The program team obviously wanted to shoot a blockbuster of the Zai Zai being cool. Tang Ming raised the loudspeaker and said, "We may take a promotional photo for this issue later. Our logistics team is setting up the background board."

This sentence is obviously I'm talking to parents.

After a pause, Tang Ming put down the speaker and turned his gaze to Mr. Gu, but quickly took it back, not wanting to be so obvious, "Lili, go in first."

Lili nodded, "Okay!"

The cub was obviously looking forward to it, took two steps forward, then remembered his father behind him, slowed down again, grabbed the corner of Shi Fuchuan's clothes, "Dad."

Shi Fuchuan said, "Here." He said, "Let's go together."

After changing her clothes, Lili was led by the staff from the cubicle to the hall of the small courtyard, where the scenery had just been set up by the logistics team.

It was a bit simple, just a piece of green cloth, a few lighting boards, and two blowers. Except for the higher-end shooting equipment I brought, the rest looked very substandard.

If it had been shot in a studio in Beijing's movie theater district, the finished film would have been much better. All in all, whether the publicity photos look good or not depends solely on their appearance.

The cameraman squatted down holding the camera, and his eyes lit up when he saw the cub being led over.

When he saw the other party tugging at the corner of his clothes uncomfortably and shrinking behind his parents, he frowned slightly.

The child seems to be a bit introverted. He is afraid that the other person will not be able to let go when taking pictures later, and the final result will not be good.

Lili stuck her head out and said, "Papa, would you like to take a photo with me?"

He was a little nervous.

Everyone is surrounding a small place, everyone is looking at you, and the cameras are all focused on you.

The white platform was filled with light, and it seemed that as soon as you stood on it, you would become the center of attention.

For Shi Li, who rarely interacts with people, just walking up is a huge challenge.

He couldn't help but think about Brother Ozawa who was going to take pictures later, and felt a little sad. Wouldn't his brother stop taking pictures in the end?

Standing next to him, Shi Fuchuan did not change into national costumes, but was still dressed in a coat. After all, the protagonists of the promotional photos are still each of the cubs, and parents can freely choose whether to be in the photo or not.

Shi Fuchuan was not used to leaving his own image in front of the camera. He paused, whispered a few words to the staff on the side, waited for the other person to nod and left in a hurry, then said: "Dad is with Lili."

Shili immediately said" Huh!" He said.

In contrast to Xiang Xiaoying, who often lives in front of the camera, Shi Fuchuan obviously doesn't take many photo poses. He just squats down, puts his hands on the cub's shoulders, looks straight at the camera with a calm face.

Lili also stood a little stiffly, her dark eyes curved, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.

When taking photos, you have to smile to look good. The photographer did not expect that the biggest problem was not the cubs, but the parents.

He directed, "Dad, smile."

Lili was stunned, then turned her head and raised her little face, "Papa, smile."

Fu Chuan sighed helplessly, his eyes slightly raised behind his glasses, and fine lines formed at the corners of his eyes.

He is old, but still young with a straight face.

When Lili turned her head,

there was a "click--" and time stopped here.

Shi Fuchuan stood up and pulled Shi Li down.

The cameraman who had just taken one picture was confused, "We haven't finished taking it yet, wait!"

Shi Fuchuan shook his head, "One picture is enough." His tone was gentle, but he couldn't hide his strength, "Please first, please Wait, can you let me see the finished film?"

The cameraman synchronized the photo to the computer in confusion. This parent-child photo was very atmospheric, and the fine lines at the corners of Shi Fuchuan's eyes seemed to be blurred by the light.

At the moment of capturing the photo, he couldn't help but lower his eyes and glanced at Lili. When he was young, Lili's eyes were wide open and his eyelids were slightly bent.

"Lili, when we get home, let's take a photo with the rest of the family."

Take a family photo with everyone present and no one left behind.

Shi Li nodded, "Okay." He thought of something, "Papa, and Lele!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a "Woo!" sounded from nowhere, attracting Li Li's attention.

The staff member who had just left trotted over with a little white dog in his arms, "Come on, come on, you can take pictures!"

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