09: Lilikan

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Xiang Xiaoying contacted the director team and said that the lens that was broken by Lili would be reinstalled with a new one later.

Lili was taken to the first floor and sat on the sofa. After a while, she saw the door of her home open and several unfamiliar brothers and sisters came in.

Shi Li observed quietly, his eyes curiously scanning the several cameras that suddenly appeared in the living room as soon as he woke up, and found that they would follow him.

Lili blinked quietly, "Mom, it moved."

Xiang Xiaoying wanted to explain to Lili what this thing was, but Lili asked, "Why does mom install so many cameras at home? Is it to watch Lili?"

Although he had turned back into a cub, he still remembered the basic common sense of life when he was young. Of course he knew this dark thing.

Shi Li thought that he would no longer have to go to kindergarten and adults would not worry about staying at home, so he prepared to install the monitor.

Xiang Xiaoying was surprised and said, "Yes, it's to see Lili."

Lili felt that she had guessed correctly, but soon she waved to Xiaoying, "Lili, come here and say hello to the brothers and sisters behind you."


The brothers and sisters behind the scenes?

Li Li was stunned, looking behind the camera, there was a white wall. He shook his head, "There is no silver behind it." When she was young, she was afraid that she had seen wrongly, so she opened her eyes seriously, "My mother said Where are my brothers and sisters?"


[At this! At this! Lili! Sister is here! ]

[Auntie is here too! ]

[I also have an older brother. ]

Xiang Xiaoying couldn't help but tease Lili, "Right in front of you."

Lili repeated in confusion, "In front of Lili?"

Seeing her mother nodding, Xiao Li hesitated and looked at the air in front of him, then tentatively raised his hand and waved to the air, "Good afternoon, brother and sister, this is Lili."

It's easy to blur your words when you're nervous.

The barrage responded enthusiastically--

[Hahahaha Lili is so stupid, she really said hello to the air. ]

[How can you be so good! ]

[Hahahahahahaha ]

Xiang Xiaoying couldn't help laughing.

When Shili came to his senses, he asked slowly, "Did Mom lie to Lili?"

Xiang Xiaoying denied, "Of course mom didn't lie to Lili." As she said that, she opened her mobile phone and clicked into the live broadcast room of the program group. She found the No. 1 live broadcast room between her and Lili and clicked in.

Xiang Xiaoying put the phone in front of Xiaoli, "Look, is this Lili?"

Because the live broadcast was delayed, when Lili lowered her eyes to look at her phone, the live broadcast inside had just reached the moment when he was greeting the camera.

Xiaoli was stunned for a moment.

Soon, the audience saw the scene of Lili looking at her mobile phone, and the screen was full of barrage greeting Lili.

Because the speed was too fast, Lili couldn't see anything clearly and was even frightened.

In the previous life, omegas were rare in number and had no ability to protect themselves. They generally had few opportunities to come into contact with many people.

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