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About Lili The super talk square has been completely refreshed by the screenshots of the newly broadcast variety show. There are cubs having their faces pinched by guests, squatting down to pick up hats, being held by Shi Sheng's hand, and eating pancakes. It smells delicious...

Shi Yunjing watched it with gusto. He didn't forget to share it with Shi Li who was watching a variety show in Shi Fuchuan. He handed over the phone screen and said, "Lili, watch."

At a glance, Chaohua Plaza was full of screens. It's so cute that I can't even scroll through it. The theme of the post is particularly eye-catching -

[My aunt's little waiter is so cute]

[I was lucky enough to go to that restaurant last time and was immediately attracted by Zaizai's fans, it's so cute]

[ Screenshot of Lili being comforted by the bombed Zaizai, you need to pick it up~]

[Zaizai seems to rarely go out to play. I don't know if it's because of fear, but I really want to give Lili something to eat, so that I can eat it without leaving home. All over the country ww]

[When can Lili open a personal account? It seems that I know the schedule for next week, so I can pick up the cute Zaizai from the airport! 】

【 Zaizai is so cute that I really want to give him dandelions! ]


Xiaoli was stunned. There were so many people.

He couldn't help but ask his eldest sister, "Are these the brothers, sisters, and uncles and aunts who like Lili?"

Because Lili watched every episode of the program on time with her family in front of the TV. There are not many scenes. As time goes by, even if they watch the end, the barrage will only explode at the climax of the show.

Even when I was little, I listened to more "Makabaka" songs on my tablet than the barrages in variety shows.

This led Shi Li to think that if his mother had many, many fans, then his little fans might not even have one-tenth of his mother's.

Even one tenth is a lot.

Maybe just a little bit.

In the impression, every time his mother goes out, if her schedule is sent out early, she will be surrounded by fans, but the fans he has met now only include a few young ladies.

Shi Yunjing nodded, "Yes, these are all Lili's fans."

Xiao Zai said again in a daze: "There are so many people."

Xiao Li even wondered if her elder sister had seen it wrong.

Shi Yunjing refreshed the page again, and the number of followers increased by tens of thousands. He looked at the cub in shock, but couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Sister, is there something wrong with it?"

Shi Yunjing Jing, "Why do Lili think so?"

Shi Fuchuan was cleaning up the mess on the center console. He paused involuntarily, turned his attention, and listened calmly.

"I, I..." Lili was a little confused and pursed her lips, "Because this is something that will appear in dreams."

Shi Yunjing paused, turned around and looked around, then picked up the cup that he had not drunk much. Ice Coke.

The cub's face was caught off guard by the cold body of the cup, and he couldn't help but close his eyes because of the ice.

The water droplets seeping through the wall of the paper cup wet the side of his face. It was icy and cold, with the chill of the cold air in the car, and it immediately penetrated to the bottom of his heart.

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