34: Continuously

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Due to the addition of the two cubs, the customer base of this authentic Portuguese restaurant has changed from mostly foreigners to half-and-half with locals, and business is booming.

When Shili and Gu Xiaoze were busy, they were busy.

On the other side, Shi Sheng and other parents came to the toy house. The refrigerator in the kitchen was already full of dishes for the parents to choose from.

Tang Ming announced new rules - parents can freely choose whether to make this lunch for their cubs. If they believe that their cubs can fill their stomachs with only ten yuan, parents can go directly to the lunch provided by the program team Have a great meal in the restaurant.

Of course, parents who cook for their cubs lose the right to eat a big meal.

But if Zai Zai is not full and returns to the toy house and finds that his parents have not cooked, then Zai Zai will be hungry.

The five parents were all a little confused.

Xiaoyu's father, Lin Yu, asked, "Can I ask about the grouping situation?"

Xiaowen's parent, Mu Tan, also asked, "How much money can everyone get?"

Tang Ming replied, "Currently it's divided The two groups are on a first-come, first-served basis. Xiaoyu, Xiaowen and Xiaoyu are in one group. As for the remaining two cubs, their parents have other tasks."

Shi Sheng frowned slightly.

Ever since he left his childhood home and started shooting alone, apart from saying a brief hello to the other parents after entering the toy house, he has never opened his mouth and listened silently.

It was the first time I held a parent-teacher conference for my own child, and I felt awkward and uncomfortable. I could only observe how the parents around me went about the process.

After Mrs. Gu realized that Tang Ming was referring to Gu Xiaoze and Xiao Li, she was also a little confused.

Tang Ming said, "The funds allocated to each person are only ten yuan."

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "I often take Xiaoyu to the supermarket, and she knows how to buy food for herself."

Although Xiaoyu and Xiaowen were also in the same group as Xiaoyu, the other two parents were also a little worried. Although Guo Man and Mu Tan were not very good at cooking, they chose to go to the kitchen to make something to cope with it themselves, so as not to worry about it themselves. The children were hungry at noon.

Lin Yu went into the restaurant to have a feast with confidence.

After the three parents went to work, only Shi Sheng and Mrs. Gu were left in the toy house.

Tang Ming looked solemn and said to them, "The program team has considered several situations. One is that the children can't find food under ten yuan, and the other is that even if they find it, they may spend just a piece of candy. The third type is to successfully find food that is less than ten yuan and can fill your stomach."

She changed her voice and said sadly, "But we never expected that there are people who don't care about the price. Just the kids who just eat the Overlord meal!"

Tang Ming said, "This is the consequence of improper parent education."

The two parents were slightly silent while being pointed at. Shi Sheng experienced for the first time at a parent-teacher meeting, his child's performance was in the The feeling of being at the bottom of the class and being pointed out by the teacher.

It's not an embarrassing feeling, but something new.

And Shi Sheng didn't think that Xiao Li would do what Tang Ming said. He thought for a moment and asked in a deep voice, "Can you show me what my brother just did?"

Mrs. Gu also raised her forehead

. .

It is true that her son seldom needs to pay money in person. It's not that they don't pay, but he lived with his grandparents in Europe. After returning to China, he has never been to a kindergarten except to play with children in the surrounding villas and communities. .

There is no chance to go out alone.

But Mrs. Gu really didn't understand how Gu Xiaoze could order food without asking the price.

She stood up and said, "I won't watch anymore. Now you need me to bring him back in person, right?"

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