66: Lili eats

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At eight o'clock in the evening and the variety show starts.

The number of barrages visibly changed from less to more -

[I like the punctual Apple TV station~]

[I can see my aunt's good manners again! ]

[I was blown away by the cuteness after watching the trailer! ! ! ]

[After waiting for almost a week, it's finally here! ]

[Coming, coming! Isn't the background a city center shopping mall where every inch of land is at a premium? ]

[What? ! Ten yuan per Zaizai? ? ]

[What can you buy for ten dollars? I can't even afford a cup of milk tea from TVT]

[Zai Zai won't be hungry anymore, I feel so sad! ]

When the video was cached, the barrage was also downloaded and slowly floated across the top of the screen.

As a cub who already knows what will happen next, most of his attention is basically focused on the barrage. If there are some incomprehensible words, he will frown slightly. Before he can think clearly, his dark eyes will be caught by the next sentence. The barrage attracted him.

The off-road vehicle stopped on the side of the road and did not drive too far. Instead, it stopped at a nearby service area. No one cared about the excuse Shi Yunjing made when he first went out to visit a small town. .

While the car was driving, Shi Fuchuan started watching the variety show while holding the cub in his arms. Shi Yunjing stopped the car just as the event started.

She turned sideways and clicked pause, "Wait for me for a few minutes."

After saying that, Shi Yunjing opened the car door, jumped out of the car, and ran to the store in the service area. After a while, she was carrying a bunch of things. Got the car.

"Fried chicken, Coke, durian pizza!" Shi Yunjing piled them all on the center console. Almost the next second, the entire off-road vehicle was filled with the fragrant smell of fried food.

Shi Fuchuan frowned slightly.

Shi Yunjing seemed to know what he was going to say, and spoke first, "Dad, it's okay to eat it once in a while, and Lili probably hasn't eaten it before, right?" She gave the cub a wink.

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, then nodded unskilledly in coordination with her elder sister, and repeated, "Papa, Lili hasn't eaten yet."

The cub turned his head back, his dark eyes a little nervous, but he still looked at him expectantly. Fu Chuan reluctantly compromised in the next second, "You can't eat more."

Shi Yunjing said, "Okay." She took out the phone holder and looked at Shi Li, "Put it on top."

Li Li raised her head high. He held the mobile phone in his short hands and put it on the shelf tentatively. It was a little crooked because he was not very skilled.

Shi Yunjing stretched out a finger, pushed it gently with his fingertips, and straightened it up.

Shi Li curved his black eyes happily, "Thank you, sister."

Shi Yunjing pressed the pause button again, and the variety show started playing again, "Okay, let's put on gloves."

In the background of the director announcing the rules, Shi Yunjing Li hurriedly put on her gloves, and a bottle of iced Coke was stuffed into her hand. She could feel the coldness through the paper cup.

The cub took a cautious sip, and closed his eyes due to the ice cubes and soda.

Behind him, Shi Fuchuan was also stuffed with gloves by Shi Yunjing. After putting on disposable gloves a little unfamiliarly, he picked up the ice coke that the cub had taken a sip of. "Don't drink more."

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